Attitude vs Action

Touching Godliness by K.P. Yohannan was a blessing to me. Some might think that it’s a scary subject, but it really opened my eyes to how the Lord sees submission.

One of the things that I learned was that submission is a matter of the heart. I can do the motions and obey my delegated authorities, but that is not submission, it is obedience. Submission is the attitude towards my authority, whereas obedience is an action.When it is done this way, our Lord is pleased. I would encourage you, please read this book. There is so many things in it that will deepen your relationship with the Lord. May the Lord bless you.


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Learning to Pray

The Lord has definitely been trying to teach me different things since I have been in Stoney Creek serving as a student for Gospel for Asia. The staff people had said that I (as a student), would have to learn to die to myself but I didn’t really think a whole lot about it until I was actually into the program. It was then that I noticed that God wanted me to give up everything! My plans, my ways of doing things, and my will is what I needed to learn to totally submit to God. Praise the Lord that He is working in my life in that area, not that I have achieved everything but I am getting there!

God has been teaching me that I need to pray more. I need to be a person that is totally devoted to praying for others and not just me. I need to be praying for the nations around me and for those in other countries. I want to have more of a passion and a burden for the lost souls around me. I never realized until I came to Gospel For Asia that there was so many people that have never heard the Gospel of Jesus being preached. They have never even heard of His Name! That’s something that was very shocking to me! I really appreciate at Gospel For Asia that they have so many prayer times together. They take the time to pray and stand in the gap for these nations. They are definitely a praying people! “Lord, help me to be more of a prayer warrior.”

Another thing that God wants to teach me is to be more encouraging to people. I have been a fairly negative person in the past but I am seeking to change that. By God’s grace I will seek to encourage others in their walk with the Lord instead of putting them down. I want others to lift me up especially when I am struggling and so I need to do that for others as well.

I believe that the Lord has so much more that He wants to teach me this year while I’m at the School of Discipleship here at Gospel for Asia. Please pray for me that I will be open to the Spirit’s leading and that He will work marvelously in my life. Pray that I will go home a changed person (for the better) and that I will become the man of God that He wants me to be.

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What Does Touching Godliness Mean?

When I first started reading Touching Godliness, it was kind of hard for me to grasp, and sounded like it might be kind of boring. But as I read I started to see that submission is an important thing in our life, and I started to understand it better. It pleases our Father in heaven when we submit, not only to Him but also to those He places over us. Whenever there is someone over us, God always has that person there for our own good.

I learned that submission and obedience are two very different things. I can be obedient outwardly in my actions, but my heart can be rebelling and complaining. Where submission is doing the right thing outwardly, AND is also having the right attitude in your heart.

Of course, we won’t magically be submissive all of a sudden. It takes time. But fortunately we have Jesus to help us live it out and learn it. 🙂

 “It is through our continual choosing of the way of the cross and the work
of the Holy Spirit that we are transformed to the nature of Jesus.” 
 – K.P. Yohannan


I really like this quote because it shows us that it is totally God making us more like Jesus. We cannot do anything on our own. But we can make the choice, with His strength, to die to ourselves daily and ask Him to work in us and make us more like Himself. And one of the ways He chooses to do so is through submission. So let’s ask Him to show us ways we can start learning it and living it out!

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Que The Crickets

Easter Sunday my Sunday School teacher and friend asked me “How was your week?”

The answer to this question had lingered on my mind in the previous days. An overview of my week would be I had been sick, ending my week with a terrible headache. It’s one of those headaches where the turn of the head can result in a drumming session between the skull. Combine that with, well a very rude and demeaning customer and a perpetual mess at work. Then top it off with the usually responsibility of school and a car that is useless due to a dead transmission and you have my week.

So how did I answer my friend?

“Circumstantially it was one of the worst weeks I have had in a long time, but I was great because God is good”

It wasn’t one of those responses in which you are trying to convince yourself that it WILL all be okay. Reality is I have no clue what is going to happen. I am the cliché poor college student with no material resources at my disposal. BUT with all that staring me in the face I have total peace.

This my friend did not happen as a result of me. The end of February beginning of March was actually a really stressful time. I was worried about soooooooo many things and how I was going to pay for them all and get them all done. One day God asked me “Why don’t you trust me?”

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm (que crickets).That is a very good question. I had absolutely no reason not to. He has proven Himself faithful time and time again. DUH  you are being a big fat FOOL. I realized not trusting God was so very wrong and I asked for forgiveness and strength. I couldn’t do all I needed to do alone.

As the weeks passed by, God was showing me just how trustworthy He was and one day my professor at TMC said something that made it all clear to me.

In the Bible there are two kinds of peace. Both involve you and me and both involve God.

Romans 5:1 talks about the first peace; Peace with God. This we obtain through faith in Christ and it means that we no longer have to fear the wrath of God because of our sin. Christ took it we are redeemed.

Philippians 4:7 talks about the second; peace of God. This peace comes from God and it is a Christian calm that springs from the confidence that our resources in Christ are adequate.

I already had the peace with God, but I was struggling to live my life in light of the fact that I could live with the peace of God.

It hit me like a refreshing freeing wave of God’s love, provision, gentleness and power! My resources amount to zip, but because I am in Christ my resources are from Him, and they are adequate.

So I have no car, no money and I will return to work and deal with angry people, BUT The peace of God reigns in my heart. And these circumstances are an honor and blessing because though they are hard, they bring me closer to God, give me a chance to glorify His name, and in turn strengthen my character.

The world may look at it the result of a crummy life on earth but that is exactly what it is not and that my friends gives me every reason to rejoice!

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Old School 1940

One of the most significant things I have been learning is about pursuing God. In class we recently studied through The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer. He wrote the book in the 1940’s, but it’s still as relevant to our daily lives as if it had been written yesterday.

One theme that ties the whole book together is this: God is pursuing us first. He is seeking to reveal Himself to us! All that I do is simply to respond to that – yet we call it the pursuit of God! It is incredible how much God really loves me. It blows my mind every time I think about it. God wants me to seek Him, and He wants to reveal Himself to me!


“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13



Okay, this is cool: I am getting to learn a lot about communication and design this year in my ministry placement, and it’s awesome. So in learning about design, I made this picture with these lyrics from Movements by Rend Collective. But seeking after God – that’s what it’s about.


To get down to what I’m trying to say,

The desire of my heart is to pursue God.”


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