Evangelism and Ice Cream

Tonight we (the School of Discipleship students) went to go evangelizing. We arrived at our destination and were turned away because a storm was coming. We did get a few tracts out before the rain hit and we all made a dash for our cars, then drove for ice cream. We all chose our flavors and then occupied two booths.

A random fact about me 🙂 Wherever I am I always stop and just watch the people or things around me taking in all that’s happening. Sort of like storing away a precious moment.

So there I was in a chair just watching everyone. They were smiling and laughing. Sharing random stories while working on their ice cream. (One pretended her straw was a dinosaur, while another pretented she was a walrus with the straw in her mouth.) It was such a beautiful picture of the body of Christ. It made me smile knowing that I had the blessing of being a part of that. Later we all watched a movie together and laughed some more.

We had gone out intending to share the gospel, then the rain came and we had to change our plans. Another thing I see so clearly through this is – God cares about the little things in our life. Even if it is just talking with friends, ice cream in hand and the rain in the background.

Yep He is Awesome!


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2 Dollars, Root Beer and A Swim Meet

The other day I didn’t have any cash on me. That evening I was planning to go watch some GFA kids at their swim meet…The only problem is that it costs $2 to get into the meet and I did not have time to go to the bank.

Anyways the day went on and I was thirsty for a root beer (not a root bear) and it costed 35 cents.  I was looking around for change and I only found 70 cents. I was able to get a buddy to come get a soda pop with me. God provided in this way. But it doesn’t end there.

First of all, I probably should’veused that 70 cents to help provide for my entrance into the swim meet. I was thirsty for a root beer though and I followed through and got one. But get this, I remembered I had 2 crumpled up dollars on my desk for a while. I had been ignoring those 2 dollars for a while but that day I noticed them and they were my means to getting into the swim meet. I now didn’t have to go to the bank and be late to the kid’s meet. The Lord provided $2.70 that day for me to buy root beer as well as being able to get into the swim meet. No worries or stress needed anymore here. The Lord was faithful and provided in this very simple and awesome way.

He knows what He’s doing and we can trust Him. I thought I’d share this, that it’d be an encouragement to you. This experience of God’s provision and faithfulness amazed me and made me laugh…God does have a sense of humor! When I thought my world was all bent out of shape and God said, “look, I got this. There’s $2 on your desk. No need to worry.”

Stay encouraged brothers and sisters!



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Food, Fellowship, Worship and Fun

So last night we had a worship night at a staff families house. It was great! We started off by eating as most School of Discipleship events do. Then our very own Alley led us in a few songs. After that it was open for anyone to share what God has been doing or read verses giving Him glory. I was able to share how Awesome Jesus is and how bubbly He makes me. Which is always exciting!!

It was a great night and I was so encouraged by the stories that were told and the way God is moving. It blows my mind to think that He is moving in ALL of our lives and so intricately to boot. He is truely worthy of our praise.

Thank you Jesus


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