Tonight we (the School of Discipleship students) went to go evangelizing. We arrived at our destination and were turned away because a storm was coming. We did get a few tracts out before the rain hit and we all made a dash for our cars, then drove for ice cream. We all chose our flavors and then occupied two booths.

A random fact about me 🙂 Wherever I am I always stop and just watch the people or things around me taking in all that’s happening. Sort of like storing away a precious moment.

So there I was in a chair just watching everyone. They were smiling and laughing. Sharing random stories while working on their ice cream. (One pretended her straw was a dinosaur, while another pretented she was a walrus with the straw in her mouth.) It was such a beautiful picture of the body of Christ. It made me smile knowing that I had the blessing of being a part of that. Later we all watched a movie together and laughed some more.

We had gone out intending to share the gospel, then the rain came and we had to change our plans. Another thing I see so clearly through this is – God cares about the little things in our life. Even if it is just talking with friends, ice cream in hand and the rain in the background.

Yep He is Awesome!


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