Awake or Asleep?

So last night I set my alarm and went to bed at 10:00 pm. I frantically woke up thinking that I over slept. I ran in to the closet and got my tennis shoes and began to put them on. Then I happened to look down at my watch and found to my suprise that it was only 11:30 pm! I had only slept for an hour and a half, and if this wasnt enough I did this 3 other times through the night and each time realizing that I still had a long time to sleep!
I am trying to decide if I was fully awake or asleep!! What do you think?

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How to Get Lost While Doing Evangelism

Like one of my fellow students posted about earlier, we had the opportunity to go evangelizing in a park not too long ago.  We went two by two, and trusting in the Lord to direct our paths.  This time, I decided to take my guitar along with me so that I could play it and draw people over towards me and my partner, and then we could engage them in conversations. Anyway, we got dropped off at this park, I was partnered with another fellow student, and we decided to go walk down the path to see if there were any people there.  First, we see this older gentleman with a dog. He rejected the tract.  So, our number one attempt was a fail, but hey, at least he knows we cared enough about him to try. So I’ll take it as a win in my book.

After that we decided to go by the entrance to the park to sit on the bench and I’d try my guitar tactic.  It didn’t work…and it was a little awkward to be playing my guitar when there was a tennis court right behind us.  So I packed up and we went walking again.  The next three opportunities were a success, the people took the tracts!  Praise God! Now that we had some successes, we decided to walk through the neighborhood to see if there was anyone outside their houses in the Texas heat.

We got a tad lost…so we headed in the general direction we thought the park was after no success with the neighborhood.  When we were nearing the park, we saw a group of teens hanging out with a video camera.  So we went up to them and started talking to them.  It was a great conversation.  After a while we got the chance to share about the School of Discipleship with them, and about India, and about Gospel for Asia.  At the end, we gave them two free books and headed back to our rendezvous point so that we could go home.

This whole experience was exhilerating though!  I was so excited that I got the chance to share with people about Jesus, and that for the most part, they listened!  I was afraid at first that my fear of people would get in the way of me actually having a conversation with people, but God is good and gave me just enough courage and boldness to step out in faith and share.  Praise God!

I love evangelizing now!  When I go home, after I graduate in July, I plan on taking my brother with me to evangelize around my hometown in Pennsylvania.  If God is with me here in Texas, I’m 100% positive He will be with me in PA.

God is good!

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I was thinking as I sat at the front desk. And a thought came to me as a stared at the word B-L-O-G  It is  Golb backwards. So I googled “Golb” and this who I came up with first.

Norman Golb (born in Chicago, Illinoisin 1928) is the Ludwig Rosenberger Professor in Jewish History and Civilization at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. He earned his PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 1954. He joined the faculty of the Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati in 1958 before settling at the University of Chicago, where he has worked since 1963. Golb has also been a visiting scholar at the University of Wisconsin (1957-58), Harvard University (1966), and Tel Aviv University (1969-70).

I had never heard of this guy. So I went on to the next thing

Golb is a piece of software which searches a directory recursively for mp3 and m3u files and creates an SQLite database out of the information found. This doesn’t seem to be usefull but it is! It’s for people that own a philips hdd0XX mp3 player (also called GoGear) because this one uses an SQLite database to save its songs.

What huh…..

So the moral is use your time more wisely than I.

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Learning to be Child Like…

Last night after prayer meeting I was spending some time in the kitchen snacking on some chips and celery with peanut butter on it. That was the beginning of one of the weirdest nights in oue house.

Through the living room and on the other side of the house, I seen my roommate step out side for what, I was not sure. My imagination started going wild and I thought to my self, ‘What would my roommate think if when he can back in I was staring up at the fan and spinning in circles?’ I just had to find out.

After about a minute of spinning I heard my roommate try the doorknob, it was locked. Ha, was my first thought, he locked himself out. Then the door bell rang which caused the second thought, ‘I need to open the door for Him!’ So, with that I stopped spinning and hurriedly started to move towards the front door.

That was not an easy trip, the house looked like it was starting to lean to the left and after almost falling over twice, I finally made it. I opened the door laughing like a mad man. He was so confused.

After explaining the situation, for the rest of the night (half an hour or so, it was late) me, my roommate and our house leader took turns spinning underneath the fan trying to see who could get the dizziest and still stay standing. Yup…It was a good night.

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