It’s been a busy few months!  Between School of Discipleship graduation,  a support trip back home, training for my new job, and new staff classes just beginning, I have definitely been learning a lot about dependence on the Lord.

I find my self becoming easily stressed out and overwhelmed when I have so many things going on that I fail to even look to God for any help or answers.  I tend to start becoming so busy that I no longer even make time for daily devotions to seek the Lord and look for His hand in these things.

I realized this is where I was a little over a month ago as I sat listening to a sermon about spiritual maturity.  The basic message was that when we fail, the main sign of spiritual maturity is to run TO the Lord and the main sign of spiritual immaturity is to run AWAY from Him.  I was able to fairly easily  recognize myself in the latter.  That realization was huge for me because it brought me running back to the Lord and rediscovering the rest that He offers.

So rather than trying to balance a thousand things during the day and then just coming back to the apartment to veg and watch TV, I am now striving to go before the Lord with my free time and be filled with His peace that He truly is sovereign and all these things I am worried about and dealing with are under His control.  I like that.

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