Bright Smiles and Joyful Cheers!


What were the teachers like?

The teachers definitely have a love for the students. I remember looking at some cards the children had made for Teacher Appreciation Day and one of the teachers came up and showed them to me with such joy! She went around to the different ones and told me what they said and pointed out the differences that made each of them unique. She then directed me to a board that had pictures of different events the students took part in. Another teacher came over and enthusiastically described every picture in detail. It really was great to see the heart these teachers have and how seriously they take their position. – Marcee



What was the center like?

Walking through the slums, we made our way up a steep set of stairs into a room filled with bright smiles and joyous cheers. There was something so different about this place. The presence of Jesus was felt and the hope for the future was apparent on each child’s face. As they clapped for each one of us and placed a garland of flowers around our necks, I couldn’t help but think, “Who am I to be given this special privilege?” I felt honored to spend time in their company. We didn’t understand much of each other’s language, but as we shared our names, they gave us big hugs and said, “You are my best friend.” My favorite part followed their special presentation (which included Scripture memory recitation, a poem and some dances): I got on the floor and was surrounded by young children, all eager to be close. I taught them a simple rhythm, made up of noises, claps and finger snapping. They were eager to do it with me, laughing at failed attempts, but continuing to try. I couldn’t stop smiling and I didn’t want to leave them. – Anna



What were the children like?

The state of desperation dictated by extreme poverty was worse than anything I could have ever imagined. Affliction, torment, and despair were seared on the faces of the oppressed who were simply striving to survive one more day in the hostile slums of Asia. Children carried little infants, wandering the streets cold, hungry and naked, without a soul to comfort them. A cold callous numbness glazed over their eyes. As far as they knew, their circumstances were without hope of change. The pleasant children in the Gospel for Asia Bridge of Hope center were unrecognizable from the children of poverty in the slums.  With glowing faces and sparkling eyes the children joyfully danced and sang worship songs expressing their deep love and gratitude for the Lord of their salvation. — Christine



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Love Me

Most people I know out “in the world” have this desire.  And each of these people are seeking it in different ways.

Like the shy little girl at school who wants to be known by her teacher so she studies her planets for hours. To that young woman who desires to be known by some guy, so she does whatever it takes to get and keep his attention. Or the guy who has practiced his throws all year long so he can be known by his coach, his team, his father. And maybe someday a major league football rep. To the person who sings their heart out on some TV show, so they can one day have their name at the top of the Billboard charts. To the young intern who works well over 40 hours so the boss and company will know they are worth being a part of the business.

All, so each of them can say “Here I am!  “Accept me.”  “Know me!”

And often times without even knowing or understanding it they are really saying “LOVE ME!”

To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be worth something to someone.  Yet at the end of their search they find being known by others in the world is not enough.

Yet as believers we know something many of them reject as folly or to good to be true.




They have been known from before the foundations of the earth and God has always had a plan for them.(Ephesians 1:4-5)

God  knit them in their mothers wombs (Psalm 139:13)

They are loved so much and worth so much that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for their sins (John 3:16). Even knowing the very depths of their sin and that in the end they might reject his perfect gift. (Romans 5:8)

We know as believers that being known and loved by God is not temporary and empty like the worlds love and attention. So I hope and pray we always remember this: That God knows us, down to the rotten, and loves us anyway!  He calls us to love one another and tell the world of his love! For He is Great and soooo worth sharing.

So may we Keep Seeking and Keep Sharing! and Keep Loving!





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Dying From Happiness!

In the movie Pride and Prejudice Jane Bennett has just become engaged to Mr. Bingly and while talking to her sister she exclaims “Can you die from happiness?”

Over the past few weeks I have said the exact same thing. In 2010 I graduated from the School of Dscipleship and right now I am back once again. Visiting everyone and volunteering in the office. Every time I am around this family (the Gospel For Asia staff) I am blessed far more than I could even begin to express. My mouth actually hurts I am smiling so much.

But I suppose it is deeper than happiness, rather it is true joy. Joy knowing that God has put such wonderful people in my life..ME! That out of everyone in the world (billions…so I hear) I was one of the few that got to be apart of their family. They teach me so much because their hearts desire to glorify God and they can’t help but shine because of it!

So thank you Jesus for my Gospel for Asia Family and letting me have these precious few weeks with them!




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Love Love Love and More Love!

“If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a Christian brother or sister, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see?” -1 John 4:20.

How many times I have heard this, I cannot even begin to count. At School of Discipleship I think one of the key things taught here is love.  Before coming here, I would read verses like these and say to myself  “this doesn’t apply to me because I do love.” How do I know I love? Well, because I certainly don’t hate. I serve my family (only when they ask), I am patient with my little sister (only when she does what I say), I’m an encouragement when others around me are feeling down (only if I feel good or ‘up to it’).  You get the point and the list goes on.  Shortly after I got here to School of Discipleship, we read one one of Gospel for Asia’s required reading called The Calvary Road and the author Roy Hession specifically states that anything that is not love is hate…..when I read that my whole world turned upside down. I realized I have not been loving anyone AT ALL. I realized this, but I still justified myself and kind of brushed it off my shoulders.

Recently, God has humbled me and shown me yet again how I have not been loving those around me, therefore, I have not been loving Christ.  The fact that I have not been loving the God who saved me from a life of death has broken me and hurt my heart so much.  Recently, I have had quite a few instances where people have come up to me and told me how I hurt them by my words, tone, and actions.  In the end all I wanted to do was go hide and say “I am not coming out of my closet until my year here is done — I refuse to talk or give advice because all I do is hurt people.”  Only by His grace has He changed my heart because of my willingness to want to love others.

After all these experiences, I had to ask myself, “what is love anyway?”  According to the Word of God love is patient, kind, does not envy, is not boastful, conceited, does not act improperly, is not selfish, not provoked, does not keep any record of wrong (that was hard for me to read), finds no joy in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. (1 Cor. 13:4-7).

When the Lord showed me this verse (which is the complete definition of who He is and what true love is), I was so broken because too be honest I didn’t see any of this in myself.  I am not patient or kind, I love to keep records of wrongs…and so many other things.  I realized that I have not been loving any of my brothers or sisters, this way.  As the Lord was showing me all this, my flesh wanted to run and hide, but my Spirit was saying “repent to all those whom you have not loved, and let Me get you through by My grace.” As I heard this from the Lord, this is exactly what I did.  I asked a lot of people for their forgiveness and still have more people to ask. I will tell you though, that by me obeying and submitting to the Lord, I have so much freedom!!!

I am so challenged here, not just during the time I am at Gospel for Asia’s office, but more so in my daily living, especially in my apartment with the three others girls I have to live with.  I don’t believe I ever knew what true love was until I came here to School of Discipleship, and to be honest, I still don’t know what it is. What I do know is that God is love and only by Him can I love others with the perfect love we all should be loving one another with.

I am so happy that the living God loved me enough to show me this area in my life that has lacked so greatly because it is a HUGE deal! I was lying saying I loved God when I couldn’t even love those around me.  I am still learning this and striving to live it out each day, but only with Jesus Christ ruling my life.  The second I decide to do it in my own strength, I fail. I have to consistently choose to remain in Him.  Love is not something that the Lord has just given me I have to choose each second to love because love is a choice, and as I choose this it becomes more and more natural.

I pray that as I continue this journey here at Gospel for Asia‘s School of Discipleship , I will choose to love everyone with a pure heart because I desire to love, honor, and please my Lord.

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35,768 Feet Deep

The Mariana Trench is 1,580 miles long and at one point called the Challenger Deep reaches down 35,768 ft.

That is the deepest known point of the ocean. It was on Sunday that my thoughts took a turn towards the vast  H2O that takes up most of our Earth’s surface.

In church we sang Matt Redman’s ” You Alone Can Rescue”  One part of the songs says

“Who, oh Lord, could save themselves,
Their own soul could heal?
Our shame was deeper than the sea
Your grace is deeper still”

It was the perfect picture of God’s love.  It goes further than our minds can even fathom.

What’s more it is not a pathetic ‘hugs and kisses’ love purely sentimental. It is passionate and all consuming.

It is because of His love that He sent His Son to the cross. I too often forget all of this .

Thank You Lord for your Love!

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