The Worst Thing

This week the latest School of Discipleship class graduated.  It got me to thinking about my year and everything that went on.  Things were definitely challenging throughout the year. You definitely have to die to yourself, (you think they were joking when they put that on the brochure?) you have to follow a fairly strict schedule, you have to be disciplined…but the worst thing was having to go away. If I could have every one of my friends go throught the School of Discipleship I would. It was an amazing experience that I’ll never forget and an awesome time of growth, and the graduation made me think of the toughest ones.  Besides one failure, the worst thing was was saying goodbye to those at Gospel For Asia.

Top 5 things about being in the School of Discipleship

  1. Being taught how to live like Jesus by seeing the example of older brothers and sisters in the Lord.
  2. Times of worship, including personal prayer and Bible reading, as well as corporate prayer and worship through teaching and music.
  3. The community of believers that surround you – insta-family!
  4. Going to Asia and seeing the mission field!  (Boy, that’s too much to try to explain in one bullet point.)
  5. Class room times, home work, etc.  (The theory is taught and you see how it works in those around you.)

So, as I was saying, the hardest part was leaving.  When I thought about writing this I then realized that it’s also one of the best things because as much as God loves putting us through those seasons of teaching, He wants us to continue to grow because it’s our choice.  We can do things because we have homework assignments or because we really want to.  When you graduate and go home you get to really choose who you’re going to do those things for.

But good news!  Not everyone has to leave. 🙂  I’m glad to know that many of this past class will be coming back on full time staff.  Congratulations January class of 2012!

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Seeing through Jesus’ Eyes!

What did you learn on the vision tour? 

Visiting South Asia really opened my eyes to what it means to live a life committed to Christ. Without realizing it, I had been like Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5, claiming to give my life to God, but all the while holding back a portion for my control, to do with it what I wanted to do. Talking to our brothers and sisters on the field opened my eyes to see that Jesus called us to give Him our ALL. The cool thing is He gives us back so much more than our all—He gives us Himself. There is SO much joy in following Jesus. I want Him to have ALL of me. – Anna

What impacted you?

The people are beautiful. In the beginning of our trip, I was overwhelmed by looking at the masses as I tried to see each of them as Christ does. He took the time to create each of them exactly as He wanted, and He knows even the secret thoughts of their hearts. They are known, intimately, but they don’t know this. “What a tragedy!” my heart cried. And then I saw our brothers and sisters who have committed their lives to sharing this incredible truth. Their eyes sparkle with warmth. Their smiles are so inviting. Indeed, even their feet are lovely (Romans 10:15). Instantly, my heart was comforted and my peace returned. These missionaries are simple people with struggles, feelings and desires just like me, yet their love for Jesus and faith in Him gives them eyes to see beyond this life. The work the Lord is doing through them is utterly astounding. There is so much hope because of Jesus! I am very thankful for the national missionaries. I want to be just like them. – Elizabeth

How were you encouraged? 

One thing that really encouraged me were the national missionaries. Their prayer life is so radical. They pray based on who God is, not on who we are. If someone is sick, they simply lay their hand on the person, bow their head, and say, “I declare healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.” And move on. Their trust in God is so simple and honest. Like a child. – Elizabeth

Share your story

Jesus loves you.” I have probably heard those three words hundreds of times during the course of my life. Have I taken those three precious words for granted? Unfortunately, yes.

I am now able to take those three words and apply them to every person in Asia. Half of the world does not know those three words and we have the privilege to tell them. I was able to see the hope that Jesus’ love brings when I looked at our brothers and sisters in Asia. I was able to see Jesus’ love in the children’s smiles. I was able to understand how Jesus takes us, who were once abandoned, hopeless and filthy, and changes us into something beautiful. When I think of all the transformation going on in Asia and how so many people are coming to know Jesus I often think of the metamorphosis of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. We lived completely different lives before the Lord chose us and turned us into new creations.

At the Bridge of Hope center, two girls danced to a song about butterflies and God’s glory. They spread their wings (arms) during the dance, and it brought tears to my eyes to see them as once in bondage in the slums, but now, because of Jesus, they are free to fly. It gave me much hope that every child in the slums and in Asia will have their own set of wings in God’s timing.

The love that the Lord has for us remains a mystery, but there is no doubt it is powerful and has the ability to change people. I would like to pray that all of Asia would know of Jesus’ love and that as a family of Christ, we would be reminded daily of His great love that He has for us, and that we grow intimately in love with Him. – Nikki

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Boot Scoot Boogie!

Boot Scoot Boogie

I awoke that morning on the train, on a bed that was to short for a 6’ 1” White guy (my feet stuck off the end). But that was okay, I was in Asia BABY! This was the day a lot of us were looking forward to, why? Because we were going to visit our first Bridge of Hope center that evening! Almost my entire background in ministry is children’s ministry, so needless to say I was AMPED. But nothing I had ever experienced before could prepare me for that evening. The day went by like a blur, our schedule was packed full, and I was so focused on what we were doing that it seemed like time doubled its speed. When we arrived at the center, I saw them, dozens and dozens of smiling, laughing, joyful kids. This didn’t surprise me, we were here to see kids, what did surprise me (maybe even shock) was how joyful these kids were, my heart melted right there! Here in America whenever you hear of “poor children” or “underprivileged kids” there is always a sense of depression and hopelessness associated with them, but not here!

We hurried inside and sat down so they could start their program. And so began the most epic night of my life. A few kids came in first and shared a memory verse, and after that the man who was announcing said that it was time for the dancing. The children danced to three songs that night, multiple times! The first time through the songs we sat there and watched, the second time through, somebody in our team started dancing too! Then everyone joined in! We all started jumping and dancing around! Needless to say the kids were delighted, and so was everyone else. But in the back of my mind there was this little voice asking me one question: “WHY ARE YOU DANCING?” That kind of caught me off guard, why was I dancing? If any of you know me, I have probably told you “I DON’T dance!” or more precisely I can’t dance, nothing in the world (I thought) could ever get me to dance, so why was I? Plain and simple, these kids were dancing for Jesus, I wanted to praise Him too, so I started to dance (although it probably made Jesus laugh more than anything else). It made me think of a verse: “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17.

Even though this may be a funny story, it does have relevance for me everyday. Do I do everything for Jesus? Or do I go through the day and complain about every little “unimportant” thing that I have to do? Am I filled with joy when I get to serve Jesus, even in the small things? 1 Corinthians 10:31 says this: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” I am so thankful that God gave me this story because it gave me a permanent defense against pessimism and complaining! Now whenever I start to feel like I want to complain about how “normal my job is” all I have to do is think of those kids laughing, singing, and praising Jesus, and that makes my whole day better!

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Throwing Suds Around!

In January, I got to visit the mission field. It had been five years since I’d been there. During that time, I met up with an old friend, Gabriel, and this time I got to meet his wife and daughter. His wife is energetic and kind and makes amazing ginger tea. Their daughter, Faith, is two years old. When Faith was born she had a band around her kidney that restricted all blood flow; this meant she had to have that kidney removed. Having a kidney removed as an adult is a major thing, even more so for a baby that’s just a few months old. The prayer request reached us here in the States. Since she was my friend’s daughter, it hit especially close to home for me. The Lord’s hand was so evident throughout Faith’s surgery and she did fine. Her other kidney picked up all the work it needed to do. Praise the Lord! She is now healthy and incredibly smart, and she loves to sing. When I visited she knew about 30 songs in several languages. I know the Lord has a special plan for her life.

Spending time with people like Gabriel and his family made the trip really special for me. Getting to see how the Lord had grown and used friends during the five years since I’d seen them was encouraging. It’s just a simple thing, the reunion of friends, but it was a wonderful snapshot of all God can do in a life and how faithful He will be to complete the work He has begun in each of us. None of our journeys are complete; they’re just five years further along so it gave me a lot of hope, too, hope in all God will do in the future. It has nothing to do with us and everything to do with who He is.

I sometimes liken the part I get to play in building God’s Kingdom to the part a two year old plays when they help wash dishes. They might throw some suds around on the dish, but the adult takes care of the real work. This isn’t to say the Lord only gives us petty jobs; rather, He’s the one accomplishing the work, no matter how big or small. It’s His power and strength working through me, and doing it with Him is the greatest treasure.  Just like time spent with your two year old is the real treasure, not the twice cleaned bowl.

It’s Him enabling us to serve. It’s Him walking with us every step of the way. “He who called you is faithful; He will surely do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24

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He Had Dreams

When we submit to the Lord and don’t make decisions on our own understanding, God can work in our lives in ways we wouldn’t expect!  I am not saying that is will be easy. There will be trials and tribulations because it happens whether you are a Christian or not.  The difference about Christianity is that from all religions, God comes down to man, instead of man trying to get to god!  The one true living God is the only one who has actually shown us the example of what He expects from us.

One of the stories in the Bible that displays the life of submission is Joseph.  He had dreams and decides to tell his father and his brothers that he is going to someday rule over them and this made them furious!  How would you like to hear that!  Joseph ends up getting beat up by his brothers and sold as a slave.  Knowing the dreams he had, he doesn’t give up hope for God’s plan.  Since God is the ultimate authority and has placed earthly authorities over us, Joseph submits to Potiphar and does it joyfully. Potiphar finds favor with him and allows him to take care of the whole place.  Potiphar’s cunning wife comes along and so Joseph leaves the building to not be distracted – later ending up in jail, as Potiphar’s wife came up with many reasons that weren’t true.  Joseph through his heart attitude of submission finds favor with the authorities because of his love for God – they see his honesty and respect.  They allow him to pretty much run the place.  Next Pharaoh has a dream and Joseph is able to interpret it.  He is set free after 13 years from jail and later becomes the priminister for 43 years!  Through submission to God’s authorities, even though they weren’t perfect, (they are accountable to God), so we need to just obey and submit with our hearts, unless it is sinning against God.  Joseph submitted with a good attitude so God blessed him by having him become the priminister!  This whole time he knew he was supposed to be a leader but he had to go through a process of humbling in order to be fit for the job!  Submission brings testing and trials but through it all God is molding us into who He has made us to be, and the only way to experience His blessing upon our lives!

The story of David is quite amazing, as God sees his heart in how he handles a little – such as herding sheep, God blesses him through this and later he becomes a King! God told Samuel to anoint David as King because Saul wasn’t submissive – he offered a sacrifice without waiting for Samuel and that was disobedience.  Even knowing he is going to become King he faithfully serves Saul; plays his harp and becomes his armor-bearer.  Next David kills Goliath and Saul becomes jealous as the focus of everyone is now on David. Saul ends up getting an army together trying to kill David.  This went on for years, and through it all he still respected Saul’s authority, even the times he could have killed him, he chose not to, even when his friends were telling him to.  David didn’t let outside negative influences run his life, rather his creator, God!  Saul’s heart softened when he realized David’s respect towards him.

The life of Jesus and the others in the Bible like Joseph and David show us that we can live godly lives on earth, as long as Christ is the center!  Submission isn’t being a doormat but rather we are able to use our skills and abilities God has given us, and use them in the most effective way. Only through submission can God work through us and use our strength for His greater purpose and our spirits are filled.  Be open and patient; allow God to direct you in life even when it doesn’t make sense, He never gives us more than we can handle.   We can stand against the schemes of the enemy no matter how much we are tempted.  Jesus was tempted and that isn’t sin, sin happens when we give in to our wrong emotions and thoughts.  We can overcome the strongholds in our lives through the power that Christ gives us!

When I heard of The School of Discipleship, I thought that this would be the last place I would choose.  In my own reasoning it didn’t make sense because I kept more to myself which makes me not used to hanging around people.  I did not like computers, homework, reading, written assignments, and I have health problems.  Literally everything was going to be a challenge, but I was going if God wanted me to. I realized that God spoke though my parents who encouraged me to go.  Seeing it through His perspective I realized that at the School of Discipleship, I am able to get discipled, study scripture, His life, and reach out to the lost people of this world in ways I could never have done if I went anywhere else!  It is amazing how much peace He has given me away from home, as that was a struggle I thought I would not be able to overcome.  My health is actually doing much better, and He is providing in so many ways!  It’s not exactly fun or easy, but my spirit is filled, and I know I am where God wants me to be; He always has the best in mind!

Through being at the School of Discipleship, He has also given me a better understanding about what it means to know more of who I am in Christ.  It is accepting and loving our weaknesses!  If we desire God’s will for our lives, only in our weaknesses will we succeed so much more!  The reason why is because then we are humble, having to rely more on Him, and His will is accomplished.  This way God will be glorified.  The kind person God is looking for is someone with a joyful attitude of submission, and this is how we can be used in a powerful way!  When we honor God He will honor and bless us (1 Samuel 2:30b).

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