God’s Will?

How do you find God’s will for your life? This is one of the questions that we can focus on until life looks like a threatening maze. What if I choose the wrong thing and I regret it? One of the lessons God has been teaching me is that He truly is sovereign. Because of this, I can make choices and take risks.

I’m learning to—Dream; to get advice and good input; think, ask God for His wisdom, then plan and do something. ACTION is essential, because without it nothing changes. I like what Jim Rohn says, “Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action.” I realized I can’t live afraid of making choices and decisions.

I hesitate to make decisions, because I want to make the perfect one. I want to please God, but sometimes it’s also motivated by the fact that I want my life to turn out fine. I want everything to go well. He promises that He will make us more like Christ, but there is no guarantee that our life will be easy.

I’m grateful that, even if God doesn’t tell us the future, we can take courage because He holds the future.

—School of Discipleship Student

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What does water do?

What does water do?
At some point we have all heard the account from John 4 of Jesus and the woman at the well. I have heard this account so many times that for awhile I actually missed what Jesus was saying when He referred to the gift of God as the “living water.” I was quite humbled at my lack of knowledge for a seemingly elementary concept of Christianity. But when I asked God to please show me what He means when He says the “living water,” His response was almost instantaneous, as if He had been eagerly waiting my whole life to reveal this truth to me.

“What does water do?” came the voice in my heart. Well, let’s see here… Water refreshes, it cleans, it gives life, it sustains life. The world and everything in it cannot stand a chance without water. Of course! How could I have overlooked this for so long?

Jesus was using water to tangibly describe Himself and the gift of salvation in a way that we can understand. What water does for our mortal bodies, Jesus does for our souls!

Jesus refreshes us when we are exhausted. Jesus washes us of our sins and makes us clean. Jesus gives us life and He sustains our life. Without Jesus we are dry and lifeless. Knowing now this tangible way that Jesus is in my life, how could I ever go a day without a drink of Him? And I love what Jesus promises us, “whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (John 4:13-14)

I hope you are encouraged in whatever drought you may be facing, that Jesus is the source of your life and refreshment to your soul.

—School of Discipleship Alumni

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Sweet Hour of Prayer…


Of the many things I have learned at School of Discipleship so far, I think the most precious is the sweetness of prayer! It has been well said that GFA was founded by prayer, continues through prayer, and will die without prayer. How true I have seen and experienced this to be  over the past 7 months of being here. It is an unexplainable privilege that I have often overlooked, and am learning to be more thankful for….. being united together as His people in Spirit with a heart cry for God and His kingdom to be established in our sinful world. God is ever-faithful in answering the pleas of His little children and because of it many precious souls are coming to life in Jesus Christ! Glory be to God who alone is worthy!

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…” Matthew 6:9-10

—School of Discipleship Student

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Life in the Body

I am so blessed to serve with a Body of Believers who are really like the Church in Acts. We are all here for two purposes: to grow closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and to proclaim His name and His glory to those millions who haven’t heard His name.


The reason I write this post is because I have been struggling with headaches consistently everyday for the past… 7 months? And when I walked down the hallway today, someone stopped me to see how I’m doing. When I mentioned the headache, they stopped what they were doing and prayed for me right then and there. This is not an uncommon occurrence, actually it happens all the time. We are a people who pray together constantly, are transparent with one another as the Body should be, we are there to encourage and give of ourselves (out of the strength of God) to help others, we love others even when its hard to do. The staff here at Gospel for Asia are living out what it means to be the Body of Christ. And I am so encouraged by it.

I’m sure there are other places out there that are similar. But I am so blessed to be a part of this family. 🙂

—School of Discipleship Alumni

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The Beauty of Brokenness

In School of Discipleship, we recently have finished the book called The Calvary Road by Roy Hession. Wow! This book is truly a book that consists of hard truths that challenged by walk with the Lord.

The main theme of the book is brokenness. It talks the absolute importance of brokenness in God’s people; that brokenness is the opening to revival. Well, when I think of revival, I think huge, thousand and thousands of souls coming to Christ rather than experiencing revival personally! Well, both are revival! Revival is also personal! It is the supernatural, amazing outpour of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we shape in humility through brokenness. Genuine brokenness is not included in our nature, but is a completely a work of the Holy Spirit! Oh, how the Lord has granted much patience as I learn this amazing journey with Him, learning from His amazing example of brokenness!

“Oh Lord, Please Lord…. Break me for what breaks you”

—School of Discipleship Student

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What Compels Me?


com·pel– force or oblige to do something

 “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died.” 2 Corinthians 5:14

God has been challenging me with this question. What is it that compels me to follow Him? What is it that compels me to pray for my neighbour, or even have a song of praise on my lips? Is it my circumstances, emotions, or even pride?

One thing that humbles me is how I can manage to do things for Christ, being motivated by anything but Him. Often, I can be compelled by so many things!  I can go on my merry way thinking I making accomplishments, yet not realize that my service to God is being marred by my prideful attitude in which I do them.

Oh to simply and wholly be compelled by the unfathomable love of Christ where with He has loved and lavished on His people. I wonder how my life would be so radically different if my motivation for all I did was fueled by His amazing  love alone. Surrender would perhaps become joyful; sacrifice would become a privilege, and loving and forgiving others an absolute delight.

I pray that the Lord would be the receipt of all my affection and devotion, and that it would be Him alone that would compel and govern my entire life!

—School of Discipleship Student

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