A Time to Reflect…
Wow, what a year! As I reflect and look back over my time here as a GFA School of Discipleship (SD) student, I am just amazed by what the Lord did in my life. And I look forward for Him to continue breaking me, molding me, and creating me into what He wants me to...
read moreBreak My Heart for What Breaks Yours
Imagine with me you’re at home. You’re going through your day and nothing eventful has happened thus far. You are relaxing reading a book or an article online when all of a sudden, someone runs in and tells you that your best friend was just in a car...
Jeremiah Seventeen Nine
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9 (ESV) This verse used to make my skin crawl. If you would have asked me if I agreed with this scripture before coming to GFA School of Discipleship, I would have...
How Near God Is
Leaving my home in Idaho to come to GFA School of Discipleship and everything that that step of faith entailed--being away from family, work, my church body, friends, the list goes on--has really showed me how near God is! Through the Lord’s mercies we are not...
Perspective and the Real Focus
Perspective. So lately I've been feeling pretty overwhelmed and stressed. I haven't had much alone time (I'm very much of an introvert) and the book we're going over in class is pretty heavy. This morning in chapel however, the Lord gave me a vision (I promise I'm not...
You’re an Overcomer – Jesus is the Victory
You're an overcomer Stay in the fight 'til the final round You're not going under 'Cause God is holding you right now You might be down for a moment Feeling like it's hopeless That's when He reminds you That you're an overcomer Five years ago, a friend shared this...
I Shall Not Want
“From the love of my own comfort From the fear of having nothing From a life of worldly passions Deliver me O God From the need to be understood And from a need to be accepted From the fear of being lonely Deliver me O God Deliver me O God And I shall not want, no, I...
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