Forgive-TD15-03738Forgiveness is something, I am finding, that has to be done daily.  A person in my life who has a certain role in ministry has several times betrayed my trust.  In consequence, though it should not be, I have trouble trusting anyone else who also serves in a similar role.

Christ has granted to me everything that pertains to life and godliness, why do I not have love for that person.  I had not realised how much this person was affecting me until about a week ago and then it hit me twice in the same week that I was transferring the resentment I had for that person to others.

The reason that it is so difficult may be I am trying to forgive in my own strength.  I am looking at what they have done rather than what Christ has done for me.  To truly forgive I must allow the resurrected Christ to live through me and in such a way that His kingdom comes to earth.  Forgiveness and everything else that is Godly comes only when we allow the Spirit of God to live our lives.

—School of Discipleship student

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