I have been learning about the love of God and how it comes down to our relationship with people; our love is the only thing that matters. Self which leads to hate is opposite of love: Being irritated at the way a person does things is hate.  Jesus took on the lowest reputation to be an example to me, in how He views the glory of His father.   This is what he expects of me, and I want to be able to develop more of His character.

God revealed something to me as I was reading Easter Sunday morning! That I need revival!  Revival comes from fully realizing our intentions – through brokenness and giving it to Jesus to cleanse it in His blood.  Even though someone’s reactions are wrong towards me, with my actions towards him or her in my heart I am just as at fault.  I can say I forgive you, when they ask me to; as they see themselves at fault because their sin was shown outwardly.  But I have a greater understanding that I need to ask forgiveness for how I reacted within, so I can continually be filled with the Holy Spirit, and for my cup to be overflowing consistently! My relationship with my father was very separated, due to my feelings inwardly towards his outward reactions.  But my way is no better, it comes down to pride, thinking I have the right to be a certain way toward Him, but the reality is, I don’t.

Some people are more stubborn than others, or are being tested in different ways – we all learn at different levels and the Father knows this.  This happens to be where I am at and how the Lord is teaching me.  Some commit murder by killing whereas others commit murder by hating.  No matter how much worse I think God is reacting I can’t judge or question Him, and allow myself to think I have the right for unloving actions towards Him.  If I am not showing loving actions toward Him, I certainly am not showing it to others.  It is not about God changing, but about ME changing!   It is up to God to change the other person, and I need to accept that I can’t be the one to change others, only He can. Through this, love is revealed.

Growing up I used to be very secluded and found it a struggle to be around people.  I thought I could still have a good relationship with Christ, and not have to hang around others because I found it such a challenge.  I am realizing that the relationship I have with others, the way I treat them, is directed to God first and foremost.  I don’t want to seclude myself from everything and everyone.  Nor do I want to do things when it is convenient for me because when I do this, I am calling God a liar, as it says in His word, I paraphrase, “what we do for others we do unto God Himself.” (see Matthew 25:40).  Seeing others in this new way has encouraged me to be around them more, and choose opportunities that I would not have otherwise chosen before.  I am also learning to listen to them and really focus and relate to what they are saying, not just being in my own little world.

Colossians 3:15 says, “Let the peace of God rule in your heart.”  Whenever I feel disturbed, anxious, irritated, judged, self-conscious, etc, I don’t have peace and need to ask God where I need to be broken.

Another thing I have learned is that no one causes me to not have peace, everything is between me and God!  Even though I feel awkward and it’s hard at times, it doesn’t mean for me to stay away, it means I need to ask God to cleanse that thought or whatever it is in His blood, and see myself the way He does! This has helped me in the way I deal with others and react to them!  As I ask God what He wants to change in me and remain open to whatever He says, He helps me in how I react toward others.

I have realized non believers are no different than Christians. The only huge difference is Jesus Christ, but otherwise we are all at fault most of the time in our everyday life. Some of us just keep it inwardly more than others, but we are still just as wrong. It’s amazing how often we are blind/unaware and don’t realize it, until someone comes to us and gives us insight. These few months at Gospel for Asia I have been learning so much and I didn’t know how much more my eyes needed to be opened. Non-believers need us to encourage and teach them so they can be opened to the truth. As we present God’s wisdom we need to be humble, and not think we are better than they are, we just choose to have Christ intervene. Every Christian continually has more to learn in some way.

I am realizing that every negative thought or feeling I am acting upon prevents true fellowship with Christ as a Christian if I don’t continually give Him the sin in my life. Yes He has bridged the gap, but sin still gets in the way. We can have so much more of His fullness if we continually give it to Him! Non-believers deep down do want a loving God, who doesn’t? They don’t realize what they are missing, if we don’t walk by their side as Christ has done with us, as well as Christ through us, they won’t gain a better understanding of His truth. We need to let them know He will take them the way they are, no matter what they have done or are doing! Even if it seems like common sense to us, words are so powerful, and they need to hear the truth of love. God spoke this world into being, how much more are our words of God’s truth to them? We are to be Christ’s ambassadors!

Thank you Lord Jesus for your example and love to me!

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