I was listening to a Pastor Chuck Smith message through the book of 1 Samuel. When he got to chapter 10, 1 Samuel 10:26 says, “Saul also went to his home in Gibeah, accompanied by valiant men whose hearts had God had touched.” Pastor Chuck shares how awesome and beautiful it is when God touches the heart of a man and how much potential there is when this man gives his life to serving the Lord. Pastor Chuck goes on to share how at one time Christianity was thought of as feminine and not really very manly. Pastor Chuck corrects that and says, “the most manly thing you can do is to give your whole life in undivided devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ and in serving Him…that’s the most manly thing you can do!” Be a man or woman of God! Pastor Chuck continues on to share about firecrackers and how they have the ingredients for a big explosion while in the same way a man who has had his heart touched by God has such potential for a real big spiritual explosion! But then there’s also those firecrackers that are still packed with the ingredients for a big explosion but when they’re lit they’re duds and they fizzle out, just like in a similar way there’s those christians who have the ingredients inside him or her for a big spiritual explosion but they waste it and fizzle out.

Don’t be a fizzler with your life! Be a man or woman of God…that’s the most worthwhile and manly thing you can do! This will last for eternity! This is something I’ve been thinking about over these last few months. This message from Pastor Chuck has been encouraging, challenging and foundational to my life to not fizzle out and waste my potential for real big spiritual explosion.

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