I’ve been having a really tough week and a half.  A week ago I became horribly discouraged and worried.  I couldn’t pin point anything that was wrong, so I didn’t know what to blame it on.  When I was asked this past weekend if I was doing okay I replied that the biggest thing that was wrong and what was bothering me is that I was no longer hearing the Lord’s voice.  I had stopped seeking just Him.  I was seeking Him + His will for my life, Him + peace, Him + joy, but not just Him.

I decided during the weekend that I would take time to pray and to seek God.  I asked Him to break me and to make me more like Him.  I asked to hear His voice yet again.  I prayed that night for quite a while and there was no answer.  The next night I cried out to God just to speak to me.  It didn’t have to be huge, it didn’t have to be nice; I just wanted to hear His voice.

Then, clearer than I’ve ever heard the Lord speak to me, His voice was there in my head.  I sat straight up as He said, “I am with you in your pain.  In your pain you will know Me”. 

Pain?  What pain? 

You might be as curious as I was wondering what this pain was.  For the next few days I was looking around for what was going to happen.  I was waiting for a car crash, or wondering if I was going to be mugged.  I was clueless but sure that if I would have Him with me – I was going to look forward to it.

Well yesterday I was going about my day when suddenly the Lord grabbed me and showed me an area of my life that was completely off track.  I was confronted with a choice.  Would I change – or would I stay where I was at and defend my self?

The choice really was a no brainer – why stay the same when we can change and become like Christ? 

So, I realized that God wasn’t there to give me physical pain and help get me through it.  He knew that I was going to have to deal with things for these few days.  There have been multiple things – some good, some bad – that have happened over the past 30 or so hours.  I am drained and battle weary.  But may I tell you that God is faithful?  He cares about you and He cares about me way too much to let us stay the same. 

One prayer I can guarantee that the Lord will answer is if you ask Him to break you and make you humble.  That’s His desire for you and He will be so excited if you are ready to work with Him in those areas.  I know He answered my prayer quick.

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