One of my favorite book series as a child was “The Boxcar Children”.  For those of you who haven’t read these great books – Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny are orphans.  (They have a grandfather but they don’t think he’d like them.)  So they’re out on their own. One night they find a boxcar to shelter them from the rain and then they decide “Let’s live here.  It’s a good place.”

I always admired Jessie and Violet.  Jessie was so full of life and Violet was so sweet and positive.  I wanted to be like them.  I realized while reading the books again, that every other sentence Jessie says she “says laughing”.  No wonder I thought she was friendly and fun. Do I have that joy?  Every sentence Violet says is positive.  She never complains.  When Henry brings home a tablecloth that needs to be hemmed “Violet pleaded ‘Oh, may I hem the tablecloth?'”  Am I there?  Definitely not.

While growing up I wanted to be just like the boxcar children.  They lived out in the woods, bathing in a creek, finding dishes in the dump, and solving mysteries.  “So I’m pretty sure I’d still like to live in a boxcar” I thought the other day.  It seems so adventerous to me.  Out in the woods living simply and using what I have to survive.  Then I was thinking, “Would I really want to live in a boxcar if someone let me right now?” The answer was probably not.  I’d end up being pretty miserable wondering why I ever wanted to live without electricity and comfort.  I’d end up complaining and be an all around unhappy person.

The boxcar children are so much fun because they have a positive attitude about everything.  I realized, your boxcar is what you make it.  I put that on an index card at my desk so I can remember that I can be positive or miserable anywhere in life.  Maybe someday God will lead me to live in a boxcar – but I don’t think He will.  Right now I’m looking at my desk as my boxcar.  It’s right where I’m supposed to be so I’m trying to find ways to love it as much as I can and to look at every day as an adventure.

So… how’s your boxcar today?

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