Working in Web, I have the privilege to watch so many ideas form and get put into play through developmental meetings and such. Plans to improve the way we do things now to better suit what we are trying to get across to people. In my mind I find myself thinking, “Wow! This will be awesome! Maybe this has to happen first before Jesus comes back….” but then I realized…that’s a very common thought that I have. It takes many forms, like maybe I’ll get married before He comes back, or maybe I have to live on my own before He comes back, or maybe I’ll grow old before He comes back, etc.

But no…He could come back ANY SECOND! No one knows the time or season. Which makes me wonder…

Am I okay with leaving behind those plans, those ideas? Am I holding these ideas above my joy of Jesus’ return? Feels kinda like parable of the servant that’s waiting for the masters return and the servant that’s too busy to care. I keep thinking, I’ll get this done before He returns, but I never know WHEN He will return, so why do I fuss about making plans and then looking forward to those plans when I should be looking forward to Christ’s return?

I think that’s just one of the many lies of the enemy that I was fooled into thinking and believing. But I am learning to rebuke the enemy when I think thoughts like that to get my focus more on Christ and His return than my “plans for the future and make things better ideas”

Jesus is coming back. Soon! I need to get my focus off of myself, and look more towards what God is doing. Look at the growth of the church in Asia, in Africa… God is moving so miraculously, and I’m more focused on what the future holds for me than what God wants me to do right now for His glory. Time is short. We don’t have much longer. We need to get our act together and share the Gospel at any opportunity.

Praying for you all! I hope this encouraged you to step out like it has for me.

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