I don’t have the time.  These are words that I have lived by.  I don’t have time to read my Bible, I don’t have time to get alone and pray, I don’t have time to read that biography.  After all, I work and then I have to get home to facebook and calling my family.  I have to take a nap, I have to take a shower, In have to do my laundry… The list goes on and on.

We live in a culture where we are taught that we can do what we want to do – and we live by that.  Not that we want to follow the worlds example but we want to be comfortable within God’s commands.  We don’t realize that God calls us to be just as radical as Jesus Christ was.  Paul says to “follow me as I follow Christ”.  This is a pretty huge deal.  I don’t want to live like Paul!  Man, that guy was shipwrecked, he was beaten, he barely escaped from so many murder plots.  Oh, wait, yeah, I remember now… he was that guy that got beheaded.  But… he knew Christ.

My point is that being a Christian means more than just going to church and praying when people are sick.  Those are good things but they are definately not what defines us as Christians.  “They were first called Christians at Antioch.”  Little Christs is what the word Christian means.  So, as a “little Christ” what must we do?  We must follow His example.  We must love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and strength.

That means giving up our time to spend it with Him.  Not because we must but because we want to love Him more.  This King of the universe who came down as a man to redeem my soul… why wouldn’t I want to know Him more?

So look at my life and what do you see?  Probably someone who’s time is spent in a lot of different ways.  Some of it serving Christ, some of it wasted.  What do I want to become?  Someone who’s life is consumed with loving my King.  You spend time on the things you value.  When you say “I don’t have time”, you’re really saying that it’s not on the top of your priority list.

Let’s give Him our time… Let’s give Him our love!

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