Danny shared tonight on Romans 8:29 which say’s; God uses all things for the good of those who love Him. Danny then closed with a saying that he got from his mother, “God does not waste any opportunity in our life.” Those are very true words.

A couple months ago I was spending some time with one of my friends who is not a believer, and he was telling me some things that he regretted; Things that he could have done better in his life. I listened and then after some time I told him that I do not regret a single thing in my life. He said, “You know most people would call you a liar if you said that.” It is probably what he thought too, but just wanted to say it in a nice way.

After Danny spoke it brought that back up to mind, and I began to ponder. Is it true that we can go through life without regrets? Biblically I am sure we can. So then my next question was, why is that?

I think it is because God loves us and He does not waste opportunities. Everything He does is used to mold and shape us into the image of His Son. For me, I now look back to all those years in which I was living for myself. I remember how hopeless and empty it was, so now that gives me a drive and a desire to seek God, and His best for me, no matter what it takes or where it takes me. God used those precious years in my life to make me into the man I am today. If it was not for those things that He led me through, then I would not be here today. It matters not how it happened, nor how long it takes, only that in the end of it all we come to know God and love God. If I lived the worst possible life imagined but yet at the end of it all came to a saving knowledge of Christ it all would have been worth it. Only those that don’t know Christ will have regrets on that faithful day when He calls us home.

So now, let us throw down every hindrance and run the race that is set before us with all diligence because the things in this life are meaningless compared to the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord.

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