Today I walked into the auditorium at the office expecting to hear a spectacular message from another impacting speaker. But what I didn’t expect about this particular message was for it to impact my heart and my passion for the lost world all at the same time. At one in the afternoon today, I sat among the Gospel For Asia staff listening to Dr. Stuart Briscoe teach on Acts 1:1-11.  Taking place during the 40 days that Jesus was addressing the apostles and people gathered there after He had risen from the dead and before He ascended into Heaven.

Now, this is a story that I had read multiple times before, went over it in church on Sunday, and in my personal devotion times, but for some reason, when Dr. Briscoe was teaching, it clicked.  Jesus stayed here on earth after He rose again so that He could explain some things to the apostles.

1. He made sure that they fully understood His resurrection.

2. He made sure that they fully grasped the Kingdom.

3. He made sure they were clear on the subject of the Holy Spirit.

4. He made sure they understood their mission.

The cool thing about this is that, that message isn’t only for the apostles, but for us as Christians. How awesome that Christ would make sure we would understand those four things, incase any of us were wondering? I know I was inspired to live my life more fully for what Christ did, and to share with all that I can of His glory.

Praise God for all that He’s done!  I’m excited to fulfill His great commission, and I’m super excited to see how He fulfills that in each of you!

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