During Christmas time I wrote something in my newsletter about how I was learning about depending on God for things that I wasn’t capable of doing on my own. This has been a constant lesson that I’m learning, so it’s great to go back and re-read all my old newsletters.   : ) Here’s what I wrote:

Gospel For Asia is possibly the closest example of how the Body of Christ should be working together.  We are like one gigantic family, which is what it should be like.  I could go up to almost anybody here and ask them to pray for me for something, and they would do it.  Or, in prayer meetings, I am comfortable praying with any one of the people here, simply because of the bond that is so evident between every believer here.

In the Volunteer Department it is spectacular, I feel so close to each of the people, here with me. Right now we are all busy with the Christmas Catalog campaign, where the managers are calling up different volunteers to send them our Christmas catalogs to pass out to others.  Then, since there are not many events around Thanksgiving and Christmas, we are registering for events that we will go to next year.

God has been using registrations to get me to depend on Him more.  How is He doing that?  Well, I have to be more assertive, which I am not very good at, I have to call people to make sure we get the right details, I delegate and pass some work onto our volunteers that come in to the office so that I have more time to do the other jobs I have to do.  All of those things combined are hard to do in  a work day. So prayer and dependence on God is very much so needed.  Without Him, I would be so stressed out that I would make myself sick, and soon, not be able to work at all.

So I am thankful that God is with me every step of the way, and He put amazing people in the department with me so that I can go to them with questions, and not be afraid to ask for help.  We are one body, if one part is not working right, the rest will not work as well either, which is why we work together, not afraid to come to each other with our problems. God is good!!

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