We’ve Prayed How Many Times This Week?

When I prepared to pack my bags for this adventurous world of Carrollton, Texas and Gospel For Asia, I had two rather small minded objectives:

1. I would finally catch up on my books (of which I brought a few).

2. I would finally escape from the pressing issues back home.

Today, as I write this, I can say that I have not been able to pick up any of the books I brought with me and not only am I going back to the issues I left, I am going to have to face them.

All of that to say, my expectations for this “1 month internship” were completely shattered.

And then there’s all this praying.

I have had  to realize that the staff and students here pray CONSTANTLY. I mean, incredibly consistantly. It doesn’t matter whether they want to or not, though, because  its rather necessary.

I dont think that I expected anything more or anything less. I think I just didn’t expect any of it.

But oh, what joy it has been to have my expectations of people and experiences completely destroyed because really, I am the only one who is hindered by them.

So I go into the deep places of my mind and of my heart and I see that all of these expectations, or lack there of, were made to awaken me from a sleep that I had not known I was overcome with.

But as I wake, I am entrusted with the knowledge of my ability to speak to God constantly. Without ceasing.

And I know in my heart that all this praying was what I should have been doing all along.

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Turn Over The Tables of My Heart


My Father…The Lord Jesus…The Holy Spirit…


How much of my life…of your life…should be surrendered to God?
What about your whole life?


Would you think it too far- if your entire person was consumed with a passion for Jesus?

Of course not.

But why is it so often we settle for a, ‘hotter than most’, ‘more passionate than the others’,..’no-one really goes that far’…’you can stop now, you’re a good Christian’– type of attitude?


I wanna burn for YOU LORD! I want to be a ‘burning-one’.

I want to be consumed with the love of Jesus.

I want to burst with the Light of the Gospel.

I want to decrease, I want the Lord to increase.


I had a revelation recently…a shift..

I’ve been trying to gather, collect, and horde the Lord- I want MORE! Give me MORE!…

But I realized that it’s a finite mind trying to capture an eternal God…

I stopped praying, “GIVE ME MORE OF YOU!”…

and started praying, “GIVE YOU MORE OF ME!”


When I honestly considered my heart, of what I wanted…I found that while it was true that I wanted God more than I knew Him–I just wanted what God wanted…and then I realized God just wants me!

Suddenly I realize how much more sense it makes to ask that God would give me to Himself…I am only so small- and He is SO ABLE.


So I want it all…All of me given to All of Him.


*LORD JESUS, come into this Temple and turn the tables over. Every dark place, shine Your Light. Consider me a burnt offering, a drink offering – Poured out and consumed. Give You all of me Lord.*




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Today’s Picture – Prayer

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7



Join us as we pray www.gfa.org/prayer


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Collapsed and In Critical Condition!

I just spent most of my day at Martin Memorial North a hospital in South Florida.

My morning started with prayer and afterward I planned what I do with the rest of my day.

Those plans were put to a stop with one phone call. Our family friend and sister in Christ Catherine T. had collapsed and was on her way to the hospital. Her family needed our support and so off my mom , sister and I went. Cleaning the kitchen and buying paint for the walls seemed so pathetic in light of it all.

Later that morning I drove to the hospital with food and liquid, my mom was already there and my sister had stayed home.

A short time later I sat in a chair next to her husband Matthew and listened as he talked about whatever.  He was in a haze of heartache as he waited knowing his wife was in critical condition. Around me sat other families waiting for their loved ones to wake up or get out of surgery.

I can’t imagine how hard it is for all of them but what I do know is that they were not alone in it all.

God was with them and so was His Bride, the Body of Christ! That morning I texted all the people I knew. Many from my beloved Gospel For Asia, others from previous churches, and still others in different states. These people are all separated by space but we are one in Christ coming together in prayer for a sister. How completely beautiful is that?!?

Then at the hospital a brother in Christ-Will-he  does the power point at church and drove down to support them

A little later our Pastor-Greg  came, then another sister Jen (from a different church!!) came to sit with the family.

I sat there in complete awe of our God.  No other family in that waiting room had non-family members come to sit and pray with them.

As we neared the end of our time there Elaine called and asked if she could do anything. Tonight she is bring all of us Chicken dinner.

Walking out to our cars we were met with Ted and Cindy Joe a couple who had come to encourage Matt and hug him.

Finally home we were met with a note from my sister who had left for work. She had prepared the house and bedroom for Matthew and his girls (he was too shook up to go back to his house). Crazy amazing!!

That my friends is the body of Christ at work. The Bible says they will know us by our love for one another-I praise God that we could function like we were supposed to.

I pray that it doesn’t always take an emergency for us to work like that.

Please pray for Catherine and her family.





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Who Are These People?

I wrote this about a month after coming back from Asia.  Being with our brothers and sister, seeing their dedication really impacted me.

Who are these people,

So humble and meek?

They live in the slums

They live on the streets.

These people love Jesus

You can see it in their eyes

Sense it in their spirit

Hear it in their cries.

They weep for these people

They pray and they fast.

Waiting for the day

That all know Jesus at last.

May my heart be moved

May I not be unchanged

Help me do all I can

That all might know the Way.

Lord, let me weep for these people

As I pray and I fast

Let me not rest

Till they know You at last.

May my thoughts and my ways

All I do, all I say

Bring You honor and glory

For all of my days

We will go forward

To share the Good News

We will go onward

Sharing the Truth

We will go forward

To tell about Christ

Bringing hope, living water,

And everlasting life.


Sarah 2011


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