Not a Suggestion

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he left us with the command to “be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).  That wasn’t just a suggestion for the 12 disciples to attempt, that proclamation was the mission statement for all adopted sons and daughters that would be brought into the Kingdom from that day forward to give their lives to.

Overwhelming when looked at from a logical standpoint, sure.  But the first part of that verse states, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”  So we know that this isn’t to be done in our own strength; that would be impossible.  God gave us the command to spread His name around the world, but He also said that He is going to be with us.

Therefore, my job is to be obedient in stepping out on this.  The only reason I was even saved in the first place was because a camp counselor in Virginia was obedient to God in telling people about Him.  How could I be okay with doing any less?

So how does my life fit into God’s plan for world evangelism?  It’s my entire reason for being here on earth.  However, what that looks like specifically will probably change throughout my life.  In high school, it was to be a witness for him and to tell the people at my school about His love and salvation.  I didn’t do a great job at fulfilling that, but I did help lead my best friend to the Lord.  For right now, it means serving in the office of Gospel for Asia and doing anything I can to help bring the Gospel to the most unreached people in the world.

Beyond that though, there is a lot I can be doing.  If it is true that I can only help fulfill the Great Commission with the help of the Holy Spirit, which I irrefutably believe is the case, then I must learn what it is like to be led by the Holy Spirit.  God isn’t just going to take control of my body and do everything He wants done on earth, although I often think that would be a much easier way to go.  No, He is going to always give us the option to follow Him or to follow the world.

Therefore it is absolutely crucial that I develop and maintain time every single day to spend with the Lord, seeking His face and learning His heart.  I am naive to think I can even make it through a normal day at the office and be in anyway effective without total dependence on the Lord.

Paul was obedient to the Lord’s direction even when it meant he was walking to his own death.  He had no care for himself or his own life, his only concern was to see the lost saved and to glorify the Lord.

I need to have that mindset that I am not my own; not my body, not my time, not even my thoughts or emotions.  I have no rights; and this is a wonderful and merciful thing!  Living for what I want in the past has ended in confusion and angst and dissatisfaction.  Living with no thought to what I want has brought me only peace and contentment and joy because I am no longer looking at myself.  I have no reason to be concerned about anything because my life is in God’s hands and if He wants it to be easy then it will be easy, and if he wants it to be hard then it will be hard.  The peace comes from knowing that it’s no longer my concern or in my control.

But this is not easy.  It’s not even close.

It’s completely unnatural to not try and plan out my future and stress and wonder how things are going to get done.  It’s unnatural not to look at myself and see all these issues and wonder how I can fix things and get consumed in creating solutions.  Yet that just brings us back again to how crucial it is that this life is not lived on our own strength, but rather through surrender to the Holy Spirit.  I can’t even desire to follow the Holy Spirit without His help!

Prayer, fasting, meditation, studying scripture; these spiritual disciplines are now realized as more than something for my own personal benefit.  While they do have significant impact on my life, personal improvement is not always enough motivation for me to dutifully practice each one.  But it’s so much more than that.  Doing each of the things above brings me into a deeper relationship with God which in turn allows me to be more sensitive the Holy Spirit and therefore more able to be used by God to fulfill the Great Commission.

It’s not just working at a computer at Gospel For Asia that helps to plant churches.  If I neglect my relationship with the Lord, I won’t make it here.  The way I spend my time and guard my thoughts are just as important so that I remain close to the Lord and able to be used by Him to save people from an eternity in Hell.

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Wear Green and Pray!

Would have had this up sooner, but computers confuse me 🙂
Buried beneath the St. Patrick’s Day symbols of shamrocks and leprechauns lies the story of a man determined to share the message of salvation with the people who made him a slave….

Patrick grew up the son of a church Bishop in Britain during the early 5th century. He was kidnapped and enslaved and spent 6 years of his early life in Ireland. He did miraculously escape back to His home country only to have God call him back to Ireland in a dream. At this time, Christ was not known in Ireland. Like so many remote villages that God is using Gospel For Asia supported missionaries to reach now. Patrick went willingly this second time to share the message of the gospel to those who were his enemies. (It is said that he used 3 leaf clovers to illustrate the trinity, but I’m not sure if it’s true).

Against persecution and the intense paganism that plagued Ireland, Patrick served God by reaching people with the message of the gospel. He eventually died for his faith. By his death in 461, it was estimated that Patrick had founded 300 churches, hundreds of thousands had heard of true freedom from sin through Christ’s gift of salvation, and over one hundred thousand had come to know Christ as their savior. His followers re-evangelized Europe as God called missionaries from the once Godless island. Patrick is one of the few figures in recorded history directly responsible for the completely non-violent religious conversion of an entire nation.

I love this story of true love for your enemies and a passion to reach the lost! Wear green and pray for all of those risking their lives for the cause of Christ.

Please be in prayer for all of the people God is calling to reach those who have never heard the gospel before. Pray for the families of those who have been imprisoned or martyred for their faith. Pray that God would call more to the field! Pray that those who are called would continue to lives worthy of their calling.

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Emmanuel Has Come…Yet Many Do Not Know

Over the past few years I have developed a love for the traditional Christmas song, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”  We sang it at church last Sunday, as it’s very fitting for the first week of advent.

For 400 hundred years prior to Christ’s birth, God had been silent.  The nation of Israel was in exile and they were desperately waiting for the prophecies about their Messiah coming to save them to come to fruition.

The words of this well known song portray a very different spirit than we tend to think about during this merry Christmas season:

“O come, O come, Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear.”

To the Israelites, this is what the time leading up to Christ’s birth was about—waiting for the Messiah to ransom them.

How fitting for us today to think about our lives prior to Christ.  Without Him, we too are burdened with sin, captive to this world’s pains, and in need of someone to ransom us.  Praise the Lord we have Jesus Christ, who came on Christmas Day—the Son of God, God incarnate.  He humbled Himself and became one of us lowly human beings, only to die a horrible form of death with all of our sins upon Him and forsaken by the Father.  Yet willingly He did it—for us.  Praise God!  We can sing this song knowing the end!  We have been ransomed!

Yet 2 billion people on the other side of this planet are still waiting for Emmanuel to come.  In fact they don’t even know there is an Emmanuel.  They have no prophecies to give them hope, for they have yet to hear about their Creator and their Savior.

It is for their fate without Christ that I serve with Gospel for Asia.  Many need to hear about Emmanuel—”God with us”—who is Jesus Christ!  My heart yearns to let them hear the Christmas story.  My heart aches for them to finally be ransomed.

Rejoice with me this Christmas that Emmanuel has come, and that we know Him!  Please also pray with me for those who have yet to hear.

“Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to you, O, Israel!”

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