A Mushy Happenstance

It was the day before my bestest friend was coming back from Canada and I was super excited. Like most nights that week, I was headed over to hang with some friends of mine and I invited one of my roommates along as well. We were to bring drinks over, so a quick stop at TomThumb was necessary. As we perused the isles for some liquid to quench our thirst I had no idea that my car would be attacked. Attacked?? Well, here’s what happened. A family from Gospel For Asia had some ingredients for all night prayer that we had that Friday night and didn’t use. They weren’t sure what to do with the mushy corn, so they were going to take it home I believe. Little did they know my car would be conveniently unattended at TomThumb, so they disposed of the corn there.

From my perspective however, my roommate and I came out to find two packets of frozen corn from Target wedged between the antenna and the front door of my car. What?! Target brand corn, at TomThumb… on my car? Where in the world did this come from? And my windsheild wipers were up too… so strange! Who could have done this? and EW! The corn isn’t frozen! it’s all mushy and gross!! Anyway, I continued on my way and told the my friends what had happened. I ended up throwing the corn out, but was confused for a few days after that. Later  however, the Gospel For Asia family confessed on my Facebook that it was them who placed the corn. Which was a great relief to my cornfused mind. 🙂

So, that was my mushy happenstance! Hope you enjoyed it!

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1 Rip-Stick + Busted Wheel + Slippery Garage = ?

Yesterday when I was about to go help two friends pack their apartment so they can move to my house on Saturday, I was playing in the garage when I noticed my Rip-Stick.  The back wheel is broken, and I need to get it fixed, I showed one of my friends, and then I mentioned that I probably shouldn’t use it till the wheel is fixed, lest I get hurt.  Of course, disregarding what I just said, I put it on the ground and went to ride it.  The Garage is probably not the best place to use it since the floor is kinda slippery, let alone with a broken wheel.  But regardless of all common sense, I decide to try it anyway.  What’s the worst that could happen anyway?

I start riding it, and about three seconds later I find myself falling to the floor.  SMACK!  my knee hits the ground really hard, and the pain shoots up through my arm.  Quite a painful experience. After spending a minute on the floor in pain, I try to stand up and head to the car so I can drive over to the apartment.  I couldn’t walk on it very well, was glad that I only need my Right leg to drive, and not my left…

Was sorta a funny happening, one of my friends was laughing so hard she started crying.  With my broken pride, and throbbing knee, I drive over to the apartment and enjoy laughing at my lack of common sense.  It really was quite hilarious, now that I look back on it.

I guess the point of this post is to share with you that before riding your Rip-stick, make sure the wheels are intact and you’re not in the garage. 🙂  But I’m sure you can use your imagination and learn something from this as well. 🙂

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