2 Dollars, Root Beer and A Swim Meet

The other day I didn’t have any cash on me. That evening I was planning to go watch some GFA kids at their swim meet…The only problem is that it costs $2 to get into the meet and I did not have time to go to the bank.

Anyways the day went on and I was thirsty for a root beer (not a root bear) and it costed 35 cents.  I was looking around for change and I only found 70 cents. I was able to get a buddy to come get a soda pop with me. God provided in this way. But it doesn’t end there.

First of all, I probably should’veused that 70 cents to help provide for my entrance into the swim meet. I was thirsty for a root beer though and I followed through and got one. But get this, I remembered I had 2 crumpled up dollars on my desk for a while. I had been ignoring those 2 dollars for a while but that day I noticed them and they were my means to getting into the swim meet. I now didn’t have to go to the bank and be late to the kid’s meet. The Lord provided $2.70 that day for me to buy root beer as well as being able to get into the swim meet. No worries or stress needed anymore here. The Lord was faithful and provided in this very simple and awesome way.

He knows what He’s doing and we can trust Him. I thought I’d share this, that it’d be an encouragement to you. This experience of God’s provision and faithfulness amazed me and made me laugh…God does have a sense of humor! When I thought my world was all bent out of shape and God said, “look, I got this. There’s $2 on your desk. No need to worry.”

Stay encouraged brothers and sisters!



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Deja Vu

For the past 6 months I have been asking God, “What do you want me to do after I graduate from the School of Discipleship?”

In a way it feels like Deja Vu- Back when I was 18 and graduating from high school I knew one thing, no 18 year old is at all equip to decide what their whole future is supposed to be. So I  asked God a similar question to the one I posed 6 months back “What am I supposed to do with the rest of my life?”

His answer to me was “Wait”

His most recent answer has been a little different “Be still and know that I am God”  (Psalm 46:10) and you know what, just like that first time, I am so at peace with His answer.

That 1st period of waiting lasted 2 years and I honestly don’t know how long this next period of waitng will be, but I know that God is going to use it!

I would so appreciate your prayers

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Do I Really Believe What God Says?

In class today with Troy, we were going through chapters 5 and 6 of True Discipleship by William MacDonald, I was reminded of what I wrote about in a previous post. We were in chapter 6 where William writes about faith, and how it’s based on promises from God’s Word. Here’s the section that really stuck out to me:

“Now true faith is always based on some promise of God, some portion of His Word. This is important. The believer first reads or hears some promise of the Lord. The Holy Spirit takes that promise and applies it to his heart and conscience in a very personal way. The Christian becomes aware that God has spoken to him directly. With utter confidence in the trustworthiness of the One who has promised, he rekons the promise as sure as if it were already fulfilled, even though, humanly speaking, it is impossible. Or perhaps it is a commandment rather than a promise. To faith, there is no difference. If God commands, He enables.”

How awesome is that?!  It seems like every message that I hear, and every time I read from the Word, this message sticks out to me. Last Saturday, I led a house devotion in James chapter 2 where it talks about “Faith without works is dead.” How true is that? If God tells us to do something, and we trust and believe that He will enable us to do what He’s asked, then it’d be almost like slapping God in the face if we don’t do it.

I’m not saying that I don’t do this every day, because I do, I’m just asking…. why?  Why do we let our flesh get in the way of acting on our faith in God? Is it because we don’t have enough faith in God and don’t trust Him?  Do we find what He’s asking us to do foolish? I hate how I usually fall into that trap of not trusting or putting my faith in God, but more on my own human understanding and perspective of situations.

God knows all, sees all, loves all, and has the most perfect plan for us if only we would believe and follow without question. I’m glad that God is convicting me of this personality defect of mine, and I pray and know that He will continue to drive it out of me. I’m just glad He doesn’t give up on me when I say “I know that you’ll be with me God, and I know that with You here I can do this, but I just don’t feel like it right now, how about later?”

God is good, patient, gracious, and merciful, and I love Him so much for that. He is awesome!

Anyway… thanks for letting me rant for a bit 🙂

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I’m Responsible

Today June 15th, 2010 I have been at Gospel For Asia and School of Discipleship for 10 months.  However as much as I am mentally in denile of it-this  fact is true.  Recently I went home and was asked to descibe what my experience has been like. I honestly cannot do credit to how truly wonderful it has been. I have learned so much and in exactly 46 days I will be going home . There is a song I recently listend to and in the chorus it says:

“Now that I have seen, I am responsible -Faith without deeds is dead”

In light of all I have exerienced and learned I now echo her words-Now that I have seen I am responsible-Responsible for living a life contrary to the world, resposible for making sure Jesus’ name is proclaimed in all the earth, responsible to be a tool of God no matter the cost, responsible to LOVE (1 cor 13), responsible to pursue God with a fire like zeal, and responsible to tell others what I now know.

This I know is considered to be crazy by some, but knowing what I know now, it would be more crazy to do nothing.

No :)…………………………… I am going to be used by God to Change the World 🙂

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Stronger Than Before

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy1:7

Recently, I have been reading through the book of Joshua in my quiet times.  I really like Joshua because it seems as though God is always telling him not to be afraid, be strong and courageous, or I am with you whereever you go.  Which really hits home for me. I can’t count how many times I will be in a situation that I have NO clue what I’m doing, or how I’m going to get through.  So, while reading the book of Joshua, and having 2 Timothy 1:7 memorized, God always reminds me that He is with me. He will provide the wisdom and guidance and words to say in any situation if I ask it of Him in faith.

I don’t have to be afraid of ANYTHING because God is looking out for me every moment of every day.  I don’t have to worry about the future, because God had a plan for me before I was even formed in my mother’s womb. I don’t have to focus on the negative, becuase I am a child of God, and I have Romans 8:28 to fall back on with the promise that ALL things work for the good of those who love God.

God is so good!  He has provided promises for us to fall back on when things seem like they are getting worse, when in reality, God has it under control, and all we have to do is trust Him and go along for the ride.

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