God Rocked My World!

What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
Psalm 8:4 KJV


I find myself asking this question today. What is my life, and who am I that God cares for me? I have done nothing good in my entire life apart from Jesus Christ. I find my thoughts consistent with Paul’s in Philippians 3:7-14: Everything that I used to hold onto and count as precious to me has practically turned into garbage compared to the glorious riches in Jesus Christ. For my first few days as a new student, I was completely shaken because my whole life since graduating college has been completely emerged in sin. I felt like an imposter being here. How and why would Jesus, the God of the Universe call me to give my life to Him? And why here at Gospel for Asia?

My whole life has earned me nothing but the wrath of God. Every “good” word and deed I’ve ever spoken and done have done nothing but store God’s wrath against me on the Day of Judgement. But after all of that, Jesus came and changed everything.

When did I start loving people? How are my passions the COMPLETE opposite of what they once were? I’m going to heaven? This is so hard to accept. But I believe Jesus. I believe God’s Word. While I was yet God’s enemy, He sent His son to take the punishment that I deserved for every crime that I’ve ever committed against God. The punishment for every single lie I’ve ever told, every object I’ve stolen, every woman I’ve lusted after, every ounce of anger that used to bubble in my being, every idol that I worshipped, every idle word and every curse against man and God that I’ve sputtered out of my mouth has all been taken from me and placed on Jesus’ shoulders. The love of God led me to faith and repentance, and I am now forgiven. I am forgiven because Jesus took my place.

Now, the only rational response is to abandon everything for this amazing King. The only decision that makes any sense at all in the light of this hilariously good news is to forget all of my dreams of “success” and to give up every fleeting pleasure on this earth in exchange for the only thing that will not burn away when all is said and done: The Kingdom of God. I can’t take ANYTHING with me when I die, so why not store up that which is waiting for me on the other side? God has made me a new man. He saw something in me and decided to call me His own.

Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!


May the whole world hear this beautiful news and know this same God that has rocked my world. Woe unto me if I preach not the Gospel.

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Skin and Bones

Today one in 200 American women suffers from anorexia. Simply put anorexia  is someone who starves themselves.

In the same way the body of Christ is filled with millions of spiritually anorexic Christians.

There are many ways this happens.

1. By not reading and studying the Word of God daily.

2. By not spending time in Prayer (communion with God) daily.

3. By not fellow-shipping with our brothers and sisters regularly.

Unlike the eating disorder that is so obvious in the bodies of people today – Spiritual Anorexia is not something you can clearly see by looking in the mirror. However it is reflected in the words and actions of those who have it.

So many times we get caught up in work, ministry, school, and decide to condense or forgo the things of God.

Then one day we wake up and realize we are weary of life and wonder why God left us or where He is. When in reality the reason we are weary is because we haven’t gone to the Word for our nourishment, haven’t spent time with Jesus who said His yoke was light, have not met with brothers and sisters would encourage and edify us.  We truly are a foolish bunch : D

This is a truly dangerous thing, it effects not only our own walk but also the body as a whole. When we don’t live all the things listed above we are

-easily deceived (there is a world of false teachers out there and a roaring lion ready to kill)

-easily discouraged and beaten down by life

-handicap in the minstry God has called us too

etc etc etc……

So I encourage you to spend time in the Word of God – IT IS ALIVE AND ACTIVE. It is like sitting down in front of God and listening to Him to speak to you!!!

Spend time in prayer both communing with God and interceding – YOU GET TO TALK TO THE CREATOR AND KING!!  As well as being used by Him to change people and situations around you.

Spend time with believers – They have so much to teach you and vice-versa, they are so encouraging – and you might as well because you’ll be with them forever

May we not be Christians made up of only skin and bones – may we truly live life to the fullest in Christ, and for Christ.




Jermiah 15:16  When your words came, I ate them;
they were my joy and my heart’s delight,
for I bear your name,
LORD God Almighty.

Meanwhile his disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat something.”  But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.”  Then his disciples said to each other, “Could someone have brought him food?” “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.”-


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Running Out Of Excuses

Last weekend I took two days off. On Sunday, I was getting antsy. I just wanted to run!!!! (That is how I felt) The whole afternoon I couldn’t concentrate on anything else. It is pretty bad when you are having withdrawals from running. That night I couldn’t sleep. I realized I was making running an idol.

God has been teaching me to put him before everything else. Jesus says in Luke 15:26-27, “If you want to be my disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparision-your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even your own life. Otherwise you cannot be my disciple. And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my own disciple.” There are thousands of excuses we can come up with for not seeking the Lord. It could be work, school, running, or a number of other things. These things in the end will not matter. In the end there are two things that will matter. The first is knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him. The second is telling others about Jesus so they too can have a relationship with God.

So the question for you and me to contemplate is what is holding us back from having a deeper relationship with Him? Are you making an excuse not to know and follow Him above everything else?

Prayer: Father, so many times I fail to put you as the most important thing in my life. Please forgive me for those times I make idols out of the gifts you give me. Help me to seek and follow you above everything else. I ask you would take away my idols and help me to glorify you in everything I do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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Six-Legged Teachers in the Bathroom

Ok, so there’s this proverb that says to go to the ant, consider her ways and be wise. (Proverbs 6:6) I’ve been “blessed” to have much occasion to practice this. I’m overseas right now and often entertain the little critters.

Did you know that there are ants in every continent? In fact, the only way to escape them is to go to certain parts of Antarctica (ironic, right?). 😉  As one brother here pointed out recently, the above-mentioned proverb is addressed to sluggards, and God knew there would be lazy people all over the world. So He used the ant as an illustration that all could see! I’ve actually been learning good stuff from their principles of work and discipline. But this evening I gleaned a different lesson.

I’ve been having a problem with a strange-looking bee in my bathroom lately. He started building a nest behind the hot-water heater. When I would get up to get ready for work, he’d already be up and working. You can laugh at me, but I’d go to brush my teeth and then run out and shut the door fast when I heard him buzzing. I’d finish brushing in my bedroom, pop back in to spit and then hurry out again!  (Wondering what in the world this has to do with ants? Just wait.)

Finally I got around to telling someone who could help. They came while I was gone for work today. When I came back to my room this evening, the nest was effectively destroyed, but the place was crawling with hundreds or thousands of tiny ants! Some of them were after the prize of what I think was the remains of the dead bee. I’m not sure what the rest were doing. So I started sweeping, focusing on getting the treasured bug-remains out of the way. (In my dealings with ants, I’ve learned to remove what they’re attracted to. Then they’ll leave on their own.) They scattered and things calmed down. I was pretty happy with myself. And since I was already into it, I decided to clean the bathroom.

All of a sudden I realized that the stubborn little things hadn’t actually left. “Aiyo!” I said, using the local exclamation roughly translated, “Oh man!” The ants had migrated to a corner connecting two walls and were all concentrated there. They looked like they were strategizing about how to react to my original attack. Now what? I didn’t want to sweep them to the floor because it was now wet since I was cleaning. (Besides, I really don’t like them crawling on me with their ticklish feet!) I thought about drowning them (sorry to any insect fans out there), but was a lot of ants to send down the drain. Too many. Again, laugh if you will, but I started blowing in the direction I wanted them to go (out). The airstream scared them and after the ensuing chaos, they eventually all left.

After all that, here’s the lesson.  It has to do with something I read yesterday in a chapter of Incredible Christian by A.W. Tozer. He writes, “The devil’s master strategy for us Christians then is not to kill us physically…but to destroy our power to wage spiritual warfare.” In other words, the enemy doesn’t necessarily want us to be dead, just out of his territory. Like I didn’t care so much about killing the ants – I just wanted them OUT! So, I removed their motivation and put pressure on them to leave. The devil uses similar tactics. He makes us think that there’s no reward. We feel dry spiritually so we considering quitting. We don’t want to keep trying. Or pressure comes; circumstances discourage us and make us want to leave.

Unlike those pesky ants though, we do have a reason to stay in the battle. Glory and honor await those who do. Keep going, it’s worth it! I will conclude with Tozer’s closing thought; “the cost of quitting will be a life of peaceful stagnation. We sons of etenity just cannot afford such a thing.”

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Go Home!

“Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider how great things He hath done for you.”

This has been my favorite Bible verse for several years.  It’s found in 1 Samuel 12:24.  This verse has always encouraged me to do my best in serving the Lord.  How can I serve Him with anything less than all my heart when He has done such great things for me?

Well, about a year and a half ago I found another verse that uses the same wording, Mark 5:19.  Jesus has just healed a man who was possessed by a legion of demons.  The man, being set free, sat at the feet of Jesus, the Bible says, “clothed and in his right mind”.  His neighbors saw this and were afraid – they begged Jesus to leave their coasts. 

Well, this man wasn’t about to let Jesus leave without him!  He wanted to follow Jesus and be a disciple.  He was free and could now go about the Lord’s work.  As Jesus was entering into the boat the mat who was set free, followed after Him and begged to be allowed to go with Him.

“However, Jesus suffered him not but said unto him, ‘Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee and hath had compassion on thee.'”  – Mark 5:19

And that’s the last word on this man.  There’s never another mention of him.

Throughout this year I’ve thought about that verse a lot.  Go home and tell your friends how great things the Lord has done for you and hath had compassion on you.  I’m excited to say that right now that’s exactly what the Lord is giving me the opportunity to do.  I’m finishing up my School of Discipleship year very soon and when I’m done at Gospel For Asia I get to go home and tell all of my family, friends, and supporters what great things the Lord has done for me!  I have the opportunity to tell people how great our God is and to encourage them.

So, what ever did happen to the man Jesus sent?  The Bible doesn’t tell us – but I’m pretty sure that God did great things through him and that he was unstoppable.

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