Tears of Joy

I read Romans 1:16

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Chris for it is the gift of salvation to all who believe . . .”!

Then I look at the two guys in the brochure I’m looking at and just cried. They aren’t ashamed, and yet they are just normal guys and gals willing to go wherever and face hardship, beatings, and possibly death! It’s all God working in them.

It just reminds me to continue to pray for them, and also look to them as an example of self-sacrifice!

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A Happy Memory

August 2008 Trip

Laughter is in international language! This brother and I were from completely different cultures, yet we shared moments of connection filled with the joy of the Lord.

God brings people together who would never have anything to do with each other otherwise.

One day every tongue, tribe and nation will come together from the four corners of the earth to worship God with one voice!

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All Access Pass

The other day I had a prominent US pastor call into GFA.  I got so excited  because I really respect his life and heart for God. I was telling my friends, “Guess who I just talked to” and they were like “No way” and I was like “Yeah ” (Ha !I sound like a teen from CA).

I got to thinking about it later and how often do I genuinely get excited about going into the presence of God. I mean I get to talk to Him every single day and He is after all-GOD King and Creator of this entire Universe, the one who gave His His only Son for me.

So yeah, there are great men and women out there who serve the Lord, they should have our respect-But our Praise should go to God alone.


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