Mar 22, 2016

I believe it still to be a miracle that I am here.
Coming to School of Discipleship, I really didn’t have much of an idea of why God was leading me here. My flesh really wanted to stay in my cozy, comfort zone where life, well, seemed easy. The Lord certainly had much patience and by His grace, I am here!
I think the best verse for my presence here would be found in 1 Corinthians 1:27 where it reads, “But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty.” I can still hardly grasp this truth. I am most blessed, but very challenged that my weaknesses are made perfect in His strengths. I’m slowly learning to trust God, in the highest and lowest parts that this journey, called life, brings me.
In class, we have just finished the book, Jesus Style. I am humbled by how little I know about the life of Jesus. Everything about the greatest man that ever lived, His birth, His ministry, His death have been so minimized and watered down. I’m starting to see how absolute frail and weak I am. I am nothing but a wretched, wandering, hopeless, descendant from Adam apart from Christ. My desperation for Christ must be foremost in my life!
With that, I would like to end off with the passage written in Philippians 1:29 which says, “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him, but also to suffer for His sake”. This verse is a challenge. It is a verse that seems very inconvenient. God wants everything? Since He withheld nothing from His life, I’m challenged with losing everything from mine. With that, I know I need brokenness. I need to be shattered. I need desperate molding. I’ve been so blessed by the countless testimonies of the servants of Christ holding nothing in their life dear to them, and counting all things apart from Christ as useless. So many, going through persecutions and sufferings, so that the name of Christ may be made known! With that, I feel called to brokenness, and pray God will truly break me for the lost. I desperately need to have a burden so immense for those that have never heard that there is a hope! I know this year has many challenges that lay ahead, but I also know that with Christ as my strength, I will have everything that I need!
—School of Discipleship student
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Oct 14, 2015
In School of Discipleship, we recently have finished the book called The Calvary Road by Roy Hession. Wow! This book is truly a book that consists of hard truths that challenged by walk with the Lord.
The main theme of the book is brokenness. It talks the absolute importance of brokenness in God’s people; that brokenness is the opening to revival. Well, when I think of revival, I think huge, thousand and thousands of souls coming to Christ rather than experiencing revival personally! Well, both are revival! Revival is also personal! It is the supernatural, amazing outpour of the Holy Spirit in our lives as we shape in humility through brokenness. Genuine brokenness is not included in our nature, but is a completely a work of the Holy Spirit! Oh, how the Lord has granted much patience as I learn this amazing journey with Him, learning from His amazing example of brokenness!
“Oh Lord, Please Lord…. Break me for what breaks you”
—School of Discipleship Student
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Oct 7, 2015

com·pel– force or oblige to do something
“For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died.” 2 Corinthians 5:14
God has been challenging me with this question. What is it that compels me to follow Him? What is it that compels me to pray for my neighbour, or even have a song of praise on my lips? Is it my circumstances, emotions, or even pride?
One thing that humbles me is how I can manage to do things for Christ, being motivated by anything but Him. Often, I can be compelled by so many things! I can go on my merry way thinking I making accomplishments, yet not realize that my service to God is being marred by my prideful attitude in which I do them.
Oh to simply and wholly be compelled by the unfathomable love of Christ where with He has loved and lavished on His people. I wonder how my life would be so radically different if my motivation for all I did was fueled by His amazing love alone. Surrender would perhaps become joyful; sacrifice would become a privilege, and loving and forgiving others an absolute delight.
I pray that the Lord would be the receipt of all my affection and devotion, and that it would be Him alone that would compel and govern my entire life!
—School of Discipleship Student
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Aug 19, 2015
Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. James 4:14
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21
in·vest·ment = time, energy, or matter spent in the hope of future benefit.
The Lord has been challenging me in examining my heart for its true investment. These verses arouse a soberness that causes me to ask myself, what am I ultimately striving to treasure and invest in?
We have all heard the saying, “Life is precious”. Yes, without a shadow of a doubt, I believe it surely to be true. But what is it about life makes it to be so uniquely precious? The answer is Christ.
As a part of my curriculum this year, I have the great privilege to read the book Character of God’s Workman. Even though I am just a ways into it, this book has made me examine my own life in regards to God’s love for all humanity. There is a part in the book where Nee writes, “Many who would work for God have a serious deficiency, which is, that they are totally lacking in the love of humanity. They lack the proper respect towards men, and they lack as well knowledge of the value of man in God’s sight. Indeed, each and every life on earth has been uniquely designed and created by an absolute wonderful Creator. And in each life is a soul, a soul that needs to hear and know that Love Himself has come to give more than this life ever could provide–eternal life through Jesus Christ alone!
To invest in the lives and souls of others seems like the toughest, yet greatest possible investment on earth. To think about this investment forces me out of my comfort zone, yet it seems like the only possible and worthwhile investment when reflecting on the amazing redemptive plan that Christ has for all the world. Oh to simply invest in a precious soul! This is an eternal investment! The benefits, being eternal ones, are of unimaginable value, as we anticipate to soon gather around the Lord’s Throne to worship Him forever and ever!
So, with life having that much of value, I pray the Lord would make me mindful of His love for all humanity. As we as God’s children, have been huge beneficiaries of His amazing grace, may the Lord use us in the lives of others for whom He has also died and cherishes greatly. As each life is compared to a mere vapor that disappears as quickly as it appears, I pray the Lord might continue to reveal the true purpose and meaning of life on earth. May our hearts be consumed with Christ Himself as our Treasure, and thus have an outflow of a love for mankind.

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