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Here is a taste of how the Lord has used the books we read to change my heart over the last 7 months. Hope you enjoy them!

The Jesus Style: “Humility is simply seeing ourselves as we actually are, not higher or lower.”

The Calvary Road: “Perhaps someone annoyed me, and I was irritated. God wants me to see that it was not the thing that the person did that matters, but my reaction to it. If I had been broken, I would not have been irritated.”

Have a Mind to Suffer: “… being willing to suffer is not the same thing as suffering itself. It simply means that before God I have a desire of being willing to endure hardship, difficulty or trial for the Lord….Whoever has this mind may not in fact suffer, yet in his mind and heart he has committed himself to do so gladly for the Lord.”

Learning to Pray: “We are talking to a Father who is closer to us than our own thoughts. He is near, so near that no words can describe it.”

Before You Hit the Wall: “He [God] doesn’t want Christians to be carbon copies of each other, but unique expressions of Him.”

Touching Godliness Through Submission: “We cannot say we submit to God and at the same time, on the inside, live a life of insubordination and rebellion toward the authority God has placed over us.”

-Katie T.

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