We’ve Prayed How Many Times This Week?

When I prepared to pack my bags for this adventurous world of Carrollton, Texas and Gospel For Asia, I had two rather small minded objectives:

1. I would finally catch up on my books (of which I brought a few).

2. I would finally escape from the pressing issues back home.

Today, as I write this, I can say that I have not been able to pick up any of the books I brought with me and not only am I going back to the issues I left, I am going to have to face them.

All of that to say, my expectations for this “1 month internship” were completely shattered.

And then there’s all this praying.

I have had  to realize that the staff and students here pray CONSTANTLY. I mean, incredibly consistantly. It doesn’t matter whether they want to or not, though, because  its rather necessary.

I dont think that I expected anything more or anything less. I think I just didn’t expect any of it.

But oh, what joy it has been to have my expectations of people and experiences completely destroyed because really, I am the only one who is hindered by them.

So I go into the deep places of my mind and of my heart and I see that all of these expectations, or lack there of, were made to awaken me from a sleep that I had not known I was overcome with.

But as I wake, I am entrusted with the knowledge of my ability to speak to God constantly. Without ceasing.

And I know in my heart that all this praying was what I should have been doing all along.

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