Sep 4, 2013
The School of Discipleship had a car wash for missions!
All the students paired up and walked the streets of Stoney Creek and
put flyers in people’s mailboxes for that coming Saturday.

We were all looking forward to washing cars since it was something we hadn’t
done all year!

I love doing outdoor activities and just working a long with my fellow students. We also had cookies and iced coffee that we had prepared and were selling for those who came by to get their car washed. We prayed for lots of cars to come and there was quite a few, not a lot – but it was still great! I personally prayed for a black 2012 Dodge (my favorite vehicle). And you wouldn’t believe it! YES the last vehicle that came by was…… A 2012 black DODGE! No joke! God is so good to us.
I am very blessed to make so many good memories this year! We do many different kinds of things and it always involves serving our great King! Praise Him forever, Amen?
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Aug 19, 2013
I was almost shocked when I read “Touching Godliness” by K.P. Yohannan. It gave me a completely different view of submission and authority. A big thing that hit me was how people that have authority over us are placed over us by God and when we disobey them we are actually disobeying God. I really love Jesus and to think of disobeying Him really hurts me. Now I have a hard time obeying when I don’t feel like I have to and knowing that when I don’t submit or obey my delegated authority I hurt my Lord and Savior made me give it more thought. Another thing that is a challenge to me, is the truth about submission; that it’s a matter of the heart. I should always have a good attitude at heart when obeying, that’s when I give the glory to God. This book was bold, challenging and frustrating but it made a lot of sense! I couldn’t disagree with much because by the time I was done reading the chapter it all clicked and I realized that it was the truth.
One of my favorite chapters was chapter 3, “The Benefits of Submission.” First of all, it’s comforting but it also encourages me and gives more reasons to submit besides just the fact of being obedient to the Lord. Even though that’s the biggest reason and should probably be the only reason, but I also know now that God uses delegated authority for our own protection. Through submitting to our authorities we get protection from the powers of darkness and we are protected from making bad choices. We are restored from past mistakes/rebellion and blessed by God and to add to all that, it pleases God when we submit! It makes sense doesn’t it? God uses our authorities like a shepherd watching his sheep and when we step out from under the covering of our authorities we become like wandering sheep.
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Jun 18, 2013
I got to spend my Easter Holidays with the people from Gospel for Asia this year! I was missing my family a lot this time of the year. I haven’t seen them since I came to School of Discipleship but I will never forget the experience I had this Easter.
I’ve grown up knowing that Jesus died on the cross for me, but I think knowing about it for so long made me get used to it so wasn’t really anything that special to me, I was thankful for what Jesus did to save me, but then I’d just think of hanging out with friends. This Easter was different. It started Good Friday, I spent “alone time” with God in His Word and everything I was reading was new to me, it felt like God opened, like really opened my heart. Then me and my friend (another student from School of Discipleship) went to church, the service was so good! I got tears in my eyes when I heard what Jesus went through for me.
On Saturday night two students and I watched “The Passion of Christ”. I had not seen that that movie before and I wasn’t sure what to expect. So I prayed and asked God to prepare my heart so that I would be able to see what He wanted to show me through this movie and it affected me so much! Just seeing a glimpse of Jesus as a complete human, suffering and giving His life broke me into pieces, how many years had I been taking this Holiday for granted? I wasn’t really remembering the REAL reason for Easter at all! It really hit me hard.
Sunday….Christ is risen!! This day was AWESOME! At seven in the morning we all went to the lake for a sunrise service. It was a beautiful morning and I felt overflowed with Joy. It felt real that He had RISEN and now there was HOPE!! I know God drew me closer to Him this Easter and I thank Him for that. I will never forget this Easter and I hope there will be more like it!
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