Most people I know out “in the world” have this desire.  And each of these people are seeking it in different ways.

Like the shy little girl at school who wants to be known by her teacher so she studies her planets for hours. To that young woman who desires to be known by some guy, so she does whatever it takes to get and keep his attention. Or the guy who has practiced his throws all year long so he can be known by his coach, his team, his father. And maybe someday a major league football rep. To the person who sings their heart out on some TV show, so they can one day have their name at the top of the Billboard charts. To the young intern who works well over 40 hours so the boss and company will know they are worth being a part of the business.

All, so each of them can say “Here I am!  “Accept me.”  “Know me!”

And often times without even knowing or understanding it they are really saying “LOVE ME!”

To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be worth something to someone.  Yet at the end of their search they find being known by others in the world is not enough.

Yet as believers we know something many of them reject as folly or to good to be true.




They have been known from before the foundations of the earth and God has always had a plan for them.(Ephesians 1:4-5)

God  knit them in their mothers wombs (Psalm 139:13)

They are loved so much and worth so much that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for their sins (John 3:16). Even knowing the very depths of their sin and that in the end they might reject his perfect gift. (Romans 5:8)

We know as believers that being known and loved by God is not temporary and empty like the worlds love and attention. So I hope and pray we always remember this: That God knows us, down to the rotten, and loves us anyway!  He calls us to love one another and tell the world of his love! For He is Great and soooo worth sharing.

So may we Keep Seeking and Keep Sharing! and Keep Loving!





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