Recently I have been thinking how silly it seems that I trust the Lord with my salvation and eternal life, yet, I feel I don’t always need to trust Him or come before Him with my day-to-day life. It seems silly in light of verses from the Word like that of Colossians 3:4, “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” Christ who is my LIFE…I take this to mean not just my eternal life, but also my new earthly life, purchased by His blood. I now cling to this verse. I never want to forget what my life is, or rather, who my life is. I should not live this life for myself, but rather, for the One who made it, gave it, and redeemed it in the first place.

The Lord has been stretching me so much since coming to Gospel For Asia. Every day he teaches me how to trust Him more, how to love Him more. I feel He is really working in my heart to show me the beauty of a life completely and totally abandoned of self and completely and totally surrendered to Him and His will. I am seeing more and more that Christ is enough—more than enough. Christ is my all in all, the desire of my heart, the love of my life. Because of this, my heart now breaks for those I know who are not living in the light of Christ.

Each day I am in the Gospel For Asia office, as I see the pictures and read the stories, especially those of the children in Asia, I feel more and more sorrow that they are living in the darkness of this world. So many people throughout Asia haven’t even heard the name of Christ; I still can’t really grasp this fact. However, the Lord is moving in a mighty way! Every day the workers out on the field are reaching people with the Gospel, and people are hearing the love of Christ.

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