
com·pel– force or oblige to do something

 “For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died.” 2 Corinthians 5:14

God has been challenging me with this question. What is it that compels me to follow Him? What is it that compels me to pray for my neighbour, or even have a song of praise on my lips? Is it my circumstances, emotions, or even pride?

One thing that humbles me is how I can manage to do things for Christ, being motivated by anything but Him. Often, I can be compelled by so many things!  I can go on my merry way thinking I making accomplishments, yet not realize that my service to God is being marred by my prideful attitude in which I do them.

Oh to simply and wholly be compelled by the unfathomable love of Christ where with He has loved and lavished on His people. I wonder how my life would be so radically different if my motivation for all I did was fueled by His amazing  love alone. Surrender would perhaps become joyful; sacrifice would become a privilege, and loving and forgiving others an absolute delight.

I pray that the Lord would be the receipt of all my affection and devotion, and that it would be Him alone that would compel and govern my entire life!

—School of Discipleship Student

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