In prayer meetings we are always hearing about our brothers and sisters over in Asia that are laying down their lives because they refuse to deny God when persecuted. We hear this over and over and over again, and instead of becoming numb to it, it’s making me think.  What are we, here in the western world, doing to take up our cross and follow Christ.  Sure we aren’t public-ally humiliated and beaten for not denying Christ, but there are so many other ways that we daily choose to deny Him.

I don’t think denying Christ is simply stating that you don’t believe in Him, but I think it happens when we choose something else over Him, when we take His name in vain, when we choose sin over serving Him with our whole hearts.  Denying Christ is  like we are in love with two things, but we can’t serve two masters.  It’s either the world, or God.

I’m not saying I’m perfect, I’m far from it, and it’s so easy to find myself being drawn to what the world has to offer, rather than falling at the feet of God.  I think the only way to overcome this, is to simply say no, and put our trust in the Lord. Our brothers and sisters in Asia are doing this daily.  They lay down their very lives to NOT deny Christ.  Why shouldn’t we?  Why not put down the video game, or turn off the music, the TV, and spend more time with God?

This doesn’t mean we can’t do all those things, and it doesn’t mean become legalistic about it. Ask God what it means for you to do this.  But I think that if each of us put God first, and ourselves last, we have a much better chance of reaching the lost world for Christ, and serving Him with our whole hearts.

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