“It’s never too late”

I’m not sure if I agree with that statement.  As some of you know, I just recently got back from a trip to India with my class.  I learned a lot, most of which I am still processing, but there is one thing that stood out to me more than the rest. There is such a thing as too late.

While we were in India, we visited some religious worship centers.  We also heard multiple testimonies from the brothers and sisters that we met. Looking at the difference between the believers and the non-believers that we met, I was hit with the realization that there certainly is a “too late”.

One true story that we heard was about a mother who sacrificed her two young children because she was told it was the only way she would find peace.  So, after she had sacrificed them, watching them yell to her for help as they floated away in a river, she was met by one of our brothers.  That brother shared with her the hope and peace that is found in Jesus Christ, and she started to cry. She said “why didn’t you come just a half hour sooner? If you had, I wouldn’t have sacrificed my two children, and they would still be alive.”

That poses a question.  Why, when we know and can see all the poverty, and hopelessness in the world, do we just sit back and think that someone else will take care of it?  For this mother, there was a too late for her children. For many, today may be the day that they need to hear about Jesus, yet, sometimes I will hesitate to share it with them.  Why? Is it because I am afraid of what they may think?  Am I afraid of being rejected? What should that matter if a life is changed and I can spend eternity with that person?

The Bible says that “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7)  So, I pose to you the challenge.  Will you step out in faith today to change the lives of millions, or will you sit back and have it be too late?

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