I’m Responsible

Today June 15th, 2010 I have been at Gospel For Asia and School of Discipleship for 10 months.  However as much as I am mentally in denile of it-this  fact is true.  Recently I went home and was asked to descibe what my experience has been like. I honestly cannot do credit to how truly wonderful it has been. I have learned so much and in exactly 46 days I will be going home . There is a song I recently listend to and in the chorus it says:

“Now that I have seen, I am responsible -Faith without deeds is dead”

In light of all I have exerienced and learned I now echo her words-Now that I have seen I am responsible-Responsible for living a life contrary to the world, resposible for making sure Jesus’ name is proclaimed in all the earth, responsible to be a tool of God no matter the cost, responsible to LOVE (1 cor 13), responsible to pursue God with a fire like zeal, and responsible to tell others what I now know.

This I know is considered to be crazy by some, but knowing what I know now, it would be more crazy to do nothing.

No :)…………………………… I am going to be used by God to Change the World 🙂

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Ain’t God Good

So, we have reached one of the busy seasons in the Volunteer Department. There are a lot of events coming up, which means a lot of orders need to be made, volunteers need to be organized, and details need to be finalized.

To be honest, if we weren’t depending on the Lord in each and every decision that has to be made, nothing would get done, things would fall between the cracks, and the events wouldn’t bear lasting fruit.

I know for me personally, if I don’t depend on the Lord in these situations, I end up freaking out. Thankfully, I have the Lord, His many promises, and all the other people in Gospel For Asia that are encouraging, a great help, and are willing to stop and listen. Praise God for providing!

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My Story

Dear School of Discipleship seeker or current student,

My whole life I had planned to join the military. I thought that kind of life would have been sweet and lots of fun. I have nothing against the military, but God did completely direct my life to a new direction in life. This just goes to show that we should all be completely open to God’s leading in our life even if it means a change in our future plans.

I had folks thinking I should have gone into the military or gone to college but I wanted to serve the Lord in missions for this is what I strongly sensed our Father calling me to.

I was blessed to have most people and my parents behind me in this calling. But I did have a few folks who didn’t understand what I was doing.

My encouragement for you brothers and sisters who are seeking whether or not you should come here for a year, is to always be open to God’s leading. Don’t be afraid to give up your college and career dreams. Anyways, this is only for one year and for me it was the best year of my life!

For those of you who are just graduating from high school and are planning to go to college or are thinking of it, I’d encourage you to think about giving a year of your life to come do the Gospel For Asia School of Discipleship. Do this for one year and then go to college or wherever the Lord leads.

When you are 60 years old you will not look back at this year in regret thinking it was a wast. One year goes by quick and will be one of the most significant years of your life…it was for me!

The bottom line is, the students after one year of being here know the Lord and His ways so much more. As a result they go out and have a profound impact on those around them, wheather in college, workplace or in missions. and change it for good.

My final encouragement brothers and sisters is to pursue Christ and His leading on your life.

Come here for one year and you will be equipped spiritually to go onto the next step of your life.

You won’t regret spending a year here and at the same time you will reach many people in Asia with the Gospel through the work that you get to be part of. Also you get to visit India and meet some of our brothers and sisters there.

Never forget the precious call of Jesus on your life and what He is really asking of you.

Gospel For Asia Nepal country leader Naryan Sharm told me personally that

“It’s wise to serve the Lord when you’re young!”

Those words have stuck with me ever since and I’d like to pass that onto you too. God bless you. Jesus loves you!


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