Throwing Suds Around!

In January, I got to visit the mission field. It had been five years since I’d been there. During that time, I met up with an old friend, Gabriel, and this time I got to meet his wife and daughter. His wife is energetic and kind and makes amazing ginger tea. Their daughter, Faith, is two years old. When Faith was born she had a band around her kidney that restricted all blood flow; this meant she had to have that kidney removed. Having a kidney removed as an adult is a major thing, even more so for a baby that’s just a few months old. The prayer request reached us here in the States. Since she was my friend’s daughter, it hit especially close to home for me. The Lord’s hand was so evident throughout Faith’s surgery and she did fine. Her other kidney picked up all the work it needed to do. Praise the Lord! She is now healthy and incredibly smart, and she loves to sing. When I visited she knew about 30 songs in several languages. I know the Lord has a special plan for her life.

Spending time with people like Gabriel and his family made the trip really special for me. Getting to see how the Lord had grown and used friends during the five years since I’d seen them was encouraging. It’s just a simple thing, the reunion of friends, but it was a wonderful snapshot of all God can do in a life and how faithful He will be to complete the work He has begun in each of us. None of our journeys are complete; they’re just five years further along so it gave me a lot of hope, too, hope in all God will do in the future. It has nothing to do with us and everything to do with who He is.

I sometimes liken the part I get to play in building God’s Kingdom to the part a two year old plays when they help wash dishes. They might throw some suds around on the dish, but the adult takes care of the real work. This isn’t to say the Lord only gives us petty jobs; rather, He’s the one accomplishing the work, no matter how big or small. It’s His power and strength working through me, and doing it with Him is the greatest treasure.  Just like time spent with your two year old is the real treasure, not the twice cleaned bowl.

It’s Him enabling us to serve. It’s Him walking with us every step of the way. “He who called you is faithful; He will surely do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24

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The Oldest Church in Harrisburg

This past October I had the privilege to travel with Gospel for Asia to man a booth at a blogging conference called Allume, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. My last day at the Allume conference was interesting indeed. After spending the morning in sessions, enjoying lunch and an inspiring keynote speaker, I decided to walk to the CVS down the street to collect some packing tape for the boxes we would send back to Gospel for Asia.

I was looking forward to my walk so that I could take some pictures of the city life in Harrisburg from ground level. Slowly I approached the CVS, discovering that it closed an hour earlier. A little bummed I decided to just walk to the end of the block to get a few more pictures before heading back to the hotel. As I was taking pictures of this really cute cafe’ this couple that was sitting on the steps called me over and proceeded to tell me all the interesting things I could take pictures of in Harrisburg. Which was interesting because I dont normally get people that stop me on the street and talk to me at length, quite exciting if you ask me.

While I was discussing pictures and arcitecture with the couple, this cute little boy who couldnt have been more than 2 or 3, came up to us and posed for the camera a few times, then his mother came and took him by the hand to lead him in the other direction. Every few steps though, the little boy would turn around and pose again.

A few minutes later I was back on my way taking photos of Harisburg. I saw a few painters painting this brick building red, so I took a few pictures of them. After those pictures, the three ladies sitting outside another cafe asked me if the painters looked safe enough. I said that Im sure they know what the are doing, and went on my way.

Soon I decided I should probably head back to my hotel and started on my way. On the way back i saw a sign with the history of some guy. I took a picture of it and then heard the guy from that first couple call to me from across the street asking if I liked history, then he crossed the street to talk to me more. He told me about the Whig part and a president that was elected at the church down one block, and how that president died and his vice president wasnt part of the Whig party and then they disbanded. It was very interesting, but as he was talking I saw a RiteAid behind him!

After he stopped talking, I asked if I could take a picture of him. Then I headed to the RiteAid for packing tape. When I got the tape, I decided to take a picture of the church the guy was talking about since it was at the end of the block, and this old lady asked if I had some change she could have. I was about to say no when the Lord said to give her something, so I gave her the $5 bill I had in my wallet and smiled at her wishing her a good day. I took a picture of the church then started back to my hotel again.

As I neared the hotel a homeless fellow that I had passed a few times that day asked if I took a picture of the oldest church in Harrisburg that is by the river a few blocks from where we were. I told him that I haven’t, but I would see if maybe later I could.

Finally back at the hotel, I gave the packing tape to Sara and Rachael and started running through the happenings of my outing. Things like that almost never happen to me, but Im so blessed that it did! I loved smiling at people and taking the time to listen to them. Im sure they dont always have people that will stop and treat them like real people, so I was glad the Lord would allow me to be that person that could stop and listen and smile.

Now there were only an hour or two left before my mom would pick me up from Harrisburg to stop by my aunt Kristie’s house to congratulate her on her wedding and then stop by my brother’s calvacade for marching band. So I went upstairs to my room and became a master packer and fit all the millions of free gifts I got at the Allume conference into my carry on suitcase. Then went out to find my mommy in front of the hotel.

Talk about an interesting day! Things like that never happen to me, but I’m glad I got the chance to let people know that I cared about what they thought and gave them the time of day.

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My 10 Reasons to Join School of Discipleship


1) You will encounter Jesus Christ like never before.

2) Grow more Christ-like in character under the love and guidence of godly teachers and mentors.

3) Build lifelong friendships.

4) Serve Christ and reach the lost in an incredible way.

5) Live passionately, with eternity in mind, to win the lost to Christ.

6) Make a difference by interceding for the lost world regularly.

7) Gain practical life experience working in international ministry headquarters.

8) Learn and develop practical life skills like time management and public speaking.

9) Practical opportunities to put your faith into action

10) Oh, and everything is bigger and better in Texas!


These are my Top 10 Reasons!


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Lost Keys and Healthy Ramen

Recently my friend Sieka and I were going to hang out at our friend’s house after work and just chill. A seemingly simple task right? Well, it didn’t quite turn out the way we expected, but I think it was better that way.

After work we had decided to take her car to the store, pick up some super healthy ramen, head over to our friend’s house and eat it there, then just hang out the rest of the evening. We got to her car, and our plans were changed right then and there, as she went to turn her key in the ignition, it wouldn’t budge. Her car was locked, we tried everything from holding in the brake pedal, to turning the steering wheel while trying to turn the key, but nothing worked. Eventually we called our friend Kevin who knows cars better than most people I know, and even he couldn’t fix it! So, we decided to just take my car instead.

We head over to my apartment, so we can change out of work attire and into comfy clothes. As we get to my door, on the third floor of the apartment complex, I discover that I left my house key on my desk at work, behind a locked door. So instead of changing, I drop Sieka off at Kroger to pick up the food as I drive 10 mins back to the office to retrieve my key.

As I get to Gospel for Asia, I realized that my key, to get into the building, is with my housekey behind the locked door (and the key to get into the office is with the housekey as well). So I call Sieka, and at this point we just laugh at this interesting adventure that our simple journey turned out to be. Thankfully she left her purse in my car when I dropped her off at Kroger, and her key was in her purse. So I took her key, let myself in the building, tracked down someone who could help me get my keys from behind the locked door, drove back to Kroger, picked up Sieka, drove back to my apartment and changed, and then FINALLY we arrive at our friend’s place with a rather exciting story to share.

Overall I am glad that I had Sieka with me, would have been very frustrating to go through alone. And this way we are building memories as our friendship continues to grow. 🙂

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Love Me

Most people I know out “in the world” have this desire.  And each of these people are seeking it in different ways.

Like the shy little girl at school who wants to be known by her teacher so she studies her planets for hours. To that young woman who desires to be known by some guy, so she does whatever it takes to get and keep his attention. Or the guy who has practiced his throws all year long so he can be known by his coach, his team, his father. And maybe someday a major league football rep. To the person who sings their heart out on some TV show, so they can one day have their name at the top of the Billboard charts. To the young intern who works well over 40 hours so the boss and company will know they are worth being a part of the business.

All, so each of them can say “Here I am!  “Accept me.”  “Know me!”

And often times without even knowing or understanding it they are really saying “LOVE ME!”

To be known is to be loved and to be loved is to be worth something to someone.  Yet at the end of their search they find being known by others in the world is not enough.

Yet as believers we know something many of them reject as folly or to good to be true.




They have been known from before the foundations of the earth and God has always had a plan for them.(Ephesians 1:4-5)

God  knit them in their mothers wombs (Psalm 139:13)

They are loved so much and worth so much that God sent Jesus to die on the cross for their sins (John 3:16). Even knowing the very depths of their sin and that in the end they might reject his perfect gift. (Romans 5:8)

We know as believers that being known and loved by God is not temporary and empty like the worlds love and attention. So I hope and pray we always remember this: That God knows us, down to the rotten, and loves us anyway!  He calls us to love one another and tell the world of his love! For He is Great and soooo worth sharing.

So may we Keep Seeking and Keep Sharing! and Keep Loving!





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