Twirl Your Umbrella and Sing

When I was growing up in Michigan, I loved the changing seasons. I loved summer’s vibrant blues and greens, fall’s leaf-strewn paths, winter’s snow shimmering in the moonlight and the freshness of spring.

Now I’m living on the other side of the world and have gained another season – the monsoon. This is the bring-your-umbrella-everywhere time of year. It can be inconvenient at times, but I do like the fact that I can break out into “I’m Singing in the Rain” as I slosh through the puddles.

Life is full of seasons. Some are fun and some are challenging; some are encouraging and some are hard to understand. But one thing never changes. “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever.” His mercies are new every morning. His faithfulness is great. In the midst of shifting seasons, He is constant.

Let’s look to Him no matter what season we’re in. And even if it’s a dreary day full of puddles – just twirl that umbrella and sing!

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Keeping Focus While Waiting For Mr. Wonderful!

The stories of Jane Austen are enough to drive any single woman into a romantic stupor.  This girl is no different. After a night of Pride and Prejudice, I sat on my couch trying to stay sane or rather hold onto the reality that should always be firm around me. Yet thinking of Mr. Darcy’s ardent love and admiration for Elizabeth causes me to sigh and dream. (I know masses of other young ladies have had the exact same reaction, whether it is Pride and Prejudice or some other tale of love.)

Don’t get me wrong I like being single. There is so much about my life right now that is exciting and I can truly say without a doubt that God is always doing something. So I say this, not to air my desperation to find a husband; because quite frankly this girl is NOT going to do any sort of finding. He (whoever he is) is going to have to be completely reliant on God and then boldly pursue me.

No, I say this with a two-fold purpose.

One-I-like many – have in the back of my mind this thought “Today is a good day to fall in love” or “I wonder when God is going to bring, him into my life.” Many of us are attracted to Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightley, etc… because they are men who know what they want and are willing to pursue it.  I am personally drawn to the story of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy for the fact that he watched Elizabeth and admired her without her really even knowing. Then after some struggles and changes in both of their hearts he, without any expectations, loved her in thought and deed, even when he assumed the feelings were once sided.

I know it is in the heart of most every woman to be adored and loved by a man. Often times especially in “super spiritual” circles this fact causes embarrassment, so a lot of young ladies like to pretend their singleness makes them closer to God. However I seriously doubt God wants us to be embarrassed for something he created us with. Ha! I’m definitely not!


Two-With point number one still in mind I will add this: While a desire to be married to a most dashing and Godly man ; ) is not a bad thing, thinking your life doesn’t start until him, or being discontent  until Mr. Wonderful arrives is not right or healthy. I have seen many a lady so desperate to get married that they settle for something other than God’s Will and regret it. I don’t mean in any way to belittle those times when it is really hard to wait, trust me I have been there, rather I encourage you to simply trust God!

Just think we were bought with the blood of Christ. Once we accept that gift, our ‘Happily Ever After’ is here and now. No, our lives won’t be picture perfect, but Jesus’ love for us is perfect and complete, and whether single or married our purpose is to honor and glorify Him. Just remember ladies that we were pursued by our Creator!

How do you think God feels when we spend our time imagining what could be, when He has prepared for us something so beautiful and so amazing we miss it? The fact is we cannot expect the love and admiration of dashing, but imperfect man (we are imperfect too) to “complete” us (sorry but that is so cheesy). Instead we must live every day on that narrow road with our hearts and minds completely focused on Christ.  That is living a life in love!

So my dear sisters, remember it is not wrong to desire a relationship with   Mr.                   (Fill in the blank) but in the meantime remember – we are the Bride of Christ! Our lives aren’t waiting to start, they already have! So live them and live them for HIS glory!



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God Told Me I Was Beautiful!

This post will take a bit of a deeper, more personal look into what the Lord has been teaching me and showing me as of late. If I can find the words to express it. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them.

Abba Father, the Comforter, the Creator of everything, my God, and my Savior. The past few months have been quite an interesting adventure, with the notorious highs and lows that are usually involved. However, something I never expected happened. As is often the case, the Lord has different plans than me, and if I’m patient enough to wait on Him and be content on where He takes me, then I will see that all the trials I go through were well worth it. Just like Romans 8:28 promises.

For those of you who know my past, you know it has been rather rough, yet through it all God has proved His overwhelming love for me time and time again. Without Him, I truly would be destroyed by the enemy, but in Christ, there is victory! That being said, I have had my share of struggles, and even though I know they are all lies of the enemy, for years I have entertained those lies until they became “truths” I believed in my heart. These lies have plagued my heart and my mind for many years, and even though I knew they were lies and not the Truth of God’s promises, it was really hard to let it all go and trust the Lord.

That being said, here is just one story of how God has been ridding my heart and mind of these lies: (note: I am not trying to brag through this story, I am only trying to share with you what God revealed to me.)

I have always had issues with my self image, thinking I am ugly, no one would ever think I’m pretty, and if they say so, then they only said that because they are trying to be nice. I would read Psalm 139:14 “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” That whole chapter would bring me comfort for a short time, but I never truly believed it and tucked it in my heart as Truth.

Now, God has been working on my heart ever so gently, and I have been gaining self confidence and am beginning to view myself the way He created me. He has given me friends who compliment me a lot (it’s really hard to accept compliments when you don’t believe they are true…). Then one day, after I got a little frustrated with a few of my friends for complimenting me so much, I was a little convicted and God told me to write apology letters to them, and to thank them for their encouragement. This was before a Tuesday night prayer meeting, and when I got home from that I was really tired (like most nights), so I got ready for bed.

As I was getting ready for bed I heard clearly “You’re beautiful”. God told me I was beautiful?! I guess I can’t argue with Him, so I said thanks and then went to bed. The next morning, however, He said it again. “You’re beautiful.” This time I believed it in my heart. God made me, if He says I’m beautiful, then I must be in His eyes, and His opinion is all that matters. That day I dressed up just for him.

This story is only one of the many that has been happening lately in my life. God has been restoring my heart, and my mind so much in the past few months that honestly, I’m not even close to the same person as I was before. I’m closer to the Lord in our ever growing and deepening relationship, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Anyways, thanks for reading this semi-different, more deep and personal newsletter. I’d love to hear your stories of God’s restoration in your lives! Just post them below in a comment, or send them to me in a message or email.

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Que The Crickets

Easter Sunday my Sunday School teacher and friend asked me “How was your week?”

The answer to this question had lingered on my mind in the previous days. An overview of my week would be I had been sick, ending my week with a terrible headache. It’s one of those headaches where the turn of the head can result in a drumming session between the skull. Combine that with, well a very rude and demeaning customer and a perpetual mess at work. Then top it off with the usually responsibility of school and a car that is useless due to a dead transmission and you have my week.

So how did I answer my friend?

“Circumstantially it was one of the worst weeks I have had in a long time, but I was great because God is good”

It wasn’t one of those responses in which you are trying to convince yourself that it WILL all be okay. Reality is I have no clue what is going to happen. I am the cliché poor college student with no material resources at my disposal. BUT with all that staring me in the face I have total peace.

This my friend did not happen as a result of me. The end of February beginning of March was actually a really stressful time. I was worried about soooooooo many things and how I was going to pay for them all and get them all done. One day God asked me “Why don’t you trust me?”

Ummmmmmmmmmmmm (que crickets).That is a very good question. I had absolutely no reason not to. He has proven Himself faithful time and time again. DUH  you are being a big fat FOOL. I realized not trusting God was so very wrong and I asked for forgiveness and strength. I couldn’t do all I needed to do alone.

As the weeks passed by, God was showing me just how trustworthy He was and one day my professor at TMC said something that made it all clear to me.

In the Bible there are two kinds of peace. Both involve you and me and both involve God.

Romans 5:1 talks about the first peace; Peace with God. This we obtain through faith in Christ and it means that we no longer have to fear the wrath of God because of our sin. Christ took it we are redeemed.

Philippians 4:7 talks about the second; peace of God. This peace comes from God and it is a Christian calm that springs from the confidence that our resources in Christ are adequate.

I already had the peace with God, but I was struggling to live my life in light of the fact that I could live with the peace of God.

It hit me like a refreshing freeing wave of God’s love, provision, gentleness and power! My resources amount to zip, but because I am in Christ my resources are from Him, and they are adequate.

So I have no car, no money and I will return to work and deal with angry people, BUT The peace of God reigns in my heart. And these circumstances are an honor and blessing because though they are hard, they bring me closer to God, give me a chance to glorify His name, and in turn strengthen my character.

The world may look at it the result of a crummy life on earth but that is exactly what it is not and that my friends gives me every reason to rejoice!

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Nerf Wars!

This past Saturday a group of us Gospel For Asia peoples went out to have a nerf war at a playground near one of the familie’s house. It was a great form of exercise, and I rediscovered some muscles that have long since been dormant in my body. Pushing through the pain, I must say that playing with nerf guns outside when it’s slightly windy is a challenge. I had near perfect aim…when we were inside…but then add the element of teams, adrenaline, and wind… I was lucky if I could hit one person each round!

Though I did find out that my husband and I make a pretty good team. We played where if you were shot, someone on your team had to come and tag you to unfreeze you, but if both of you were shot, then your team was out. So much like how a medic in Team Fortress 2 stays right by a heavy so you can annihilate your foes without much harm done to the dynamic duo, I was Tim’s medic and we made a really good team! (see you can learn life lessons from video games! Like how to survive in a nerf war!)

I’m looking forward to the next nerf war, and I’ve even brought my nerf gun to my desk at work, and it’s already played a big part in the sanity of our little web department. Here’s the story:

Adam came by to work on my computer and while he was here, I was playing around with my nerf gun. One of my co-workers sees Danny down the hallway and says “aw! Danny was just in the hallway… I know! I’ll email him!” So she proceeds to email Danny. Her email was something along the lines of “Could you come to the web department; if you can?” A few minutes later, Danny comes into Web and I release a stream of nerf darts at him. To which he says “I knew there was something up, my coworker would never email me that. I should have come around the other way so I could have seen you too! (referring to me standing near my desk out of view of the door)”

You know you work in an awesome place when you can shoot the vice president of the organization with a nerf gun and he thinks it’s cool 🙂

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